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36秒で満席!?一度食べたら中毒確定「スタミナラーメン」🍜 埼玉県のソウルフード、スタミナラーメンが堪能できる名店「娘娘(にゃんにゃん)」。県内各地に店舗を展開する中でも、特に人気の高い上尾店に訪問。一番人気のスタミナラーメンを注文してみました! 登場したのは、たっぷりの挽肉とニラが絡む餡掛け麺。ほんのり辛みの効いた餡は絶品で、スープが絡む中華麺と相性抜群です✨時折現れるゴロっとしたお肉も食べ応え満点!旨辛な味わいがクセになる一杯をぜひお試しください。 ——————————————————— 📍埼玉県上尾市愛宕3-7-17 (Saitama, Ageo-city, Atago 3-7-17) ⏰月・水〜日・祝日 11:30–14:30、18:00–20:30  火曜定休 🚃上尾駅から徒歩16分 ——————————————————— [ - Ageo Nyanyanya] Saitama Soul Food “Stamina Ramen”✨ Experience Saitama’s soul food, Stamina Ramen, at the famous “Nyanyanya” restaurant. Among the various branches across the prefecture, the Ageo location stands out as one of the most popular. Naturally, we ordered their top-selling Stamina Ramen! What arrived was a bowl of noodles topped with a rich, slightly spicy sauce made with minced meat and garlic chives. The savory sauce perfectly complements the Chinese-style noodles, creating an irresistible combination✨ Occasionally, you’ll bite into hearty chunks of meat, adding extra satisfaction to this flavorful dish. Don’t miss this addictive bowl of spicy deliciousness! ——————————————————— 📍3-7-17 Atago, Ageo-city, Saitama ⏰Monday, Wednesday–Sunday, Holidays: 11:30–14:30, 18:00–20:30 Closed on Tuesdays 🚃16-minute walk from Ageo Station ———————————————————