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每个人都期待自己成为茫茫人海中那位一眼被“看见”的独特个体,因此,诞生了时尚。如果,时尚正是个人特色的放大器,那么追求大家都追求的”时尚潮流“,还是一件“有特色”的事情吗?陈君倩老师将用18分钟带我们回顾数百年的时尚发展历程,希望您从中获得自己的答案。 Everyone is aspiring to be an unique one, so, we created fashion. However, if fashion shows one’s uniqueness, are we still unique when we all are following the same trend? In this narrative talk, Junqian leads us to review the long history and development of fashion. You might find your own answer following her guidance.
君倩 陈: 属于你的时尚力 From fashion to power. | TED Talk