The Lawrence Bishnoi gang has claimed responsibility for the murder of former Maharashtra minister Baba Siddique. The NCP leader, 66, was shot dead outside his son Zeeshan Siddique's office in Mumbai's Bandra East last night. According to the police, three shooters were involved in the murder. Out of the three, two have been arrested - Gurmail Baljit Singh, 23, from Haryana and Dharamraj Kashyap, 19, from Uttar Pradesh - and the third has been identified as Shiv Kumar Gautam, also from UP. A fourth person, believed to be the handler, is also on the run. NDTV team traces the families of the two alleged shooters in Uttar Pradesh. Here's what the family had to say.
Watch: What Family Of One Of The Accused In Baba Siddique Murder Told NDTV