whatAppSrc, label: #https://akm-img-a-in.tosshub.com/businesstoday/images/video/202408/66b5d426b50ba-waqf-act-controversy--waqf-bill--land-mafia--land-right--tamil-nadu-093237240-16x9.jpg

A new report highlights the ongoing controversies surrounding the Waqf Act, with stories of land being claimed by the Waqf Board without warning. From a 1500-year-old temple in Tamil Nadu to valuable properties in Lucknow and Surat, families have been entangled in decades-long disputes. As the government pushes for amendments to the Waqf Act, these cases underscore the urgent need for reform to protect citizens' rights.
Waqf Act Controversy: Villagers Fight For Land Rights - BT TV BusinessToday