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After Rashtriya Janata Dal registered victory in Bochahan Assembly bypoll on April 16, Vikassheel Insaan Party Chief Mukesh Sahani rejoiced Bharatiya Janata Party’s defeat despite his party’s debacle from the same Constituency. “We thank the public for showing faith in Vikassheel Insaan Party. We contested to win and weren't successful but we congratulate Amar Paswan (RJD) for the win. Even in our defeat lies a win,” he said. “This time, BJP has lost by over 36,000 votes. Some state leaders still have time for a do-over as they mislead central BJP leaders,” added the VIP Chief.
mukesh sahani: Bihar Bypoll: VIP Chief Mukesh Sahani celebrates BJP’s defeat despite losing from the same seat - The Economic Times Video | ET Now