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As per the latest trends of the Election Commission of India, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is moving towards a comfortable win in Rajasthan. The party is leading on 114 of 199 seats in Rajasthan. BJP leader Diya Kumari said that it is PM Modi’s magic which has worked in Rajasthan. Diya said, “The credit for this win goes to PM Modi, Amit Shah ji, JP Nadda ji, state leaders and party workers. Modi ji's magic worked in Rajasthan and also MP & Chhattisgarh. We will ensure good governance and development in the state. Law and order will be seen in the state now. The top leadership of the party will decide on who will be the CM.”
diya kumari: Rajasthan Election Results 2023: BJP's Diya Kumari wins by 71K votes; credits 'Modi’s magic' for win - The Economic Times Video | ET Now