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# Use Youtube player (with Youtube AD) #<<<>>> # Use our player (Downlaod, Unblock & No Youtube AD) 再生できないときはここをクリック click hrer if failed to load 如无法播放请点击这里#

0: [object Object]. 1: [object Object]. 2: [object Object]. 3: [object Object]. 4: [object Object]. 5: [object Object]. 6: [object Object]
Council Decision (EU) 2019/1800 of 24 October 2019 on the financial contributions to be paid by Member States to finance the European Development Fund, including the ceiling for 2021, the annual amount for 2020, the first instalment for 2020 and an indicative and non-binding forecast for the expected annual amounts of contributions for the years 2022 and 2023 - Legislation - VLEX 843898959