*ProjectIcon | Trailer @bbcthree *iPlayer ▶0:31
There's truth, then there's total honesty, and then there's this... 😳😂 Watch *ProjectIcon on BBC iPlayer now 👉 http://bbc.in/ProjectIcon | BBC Three ▶0:21
At any point you can get dropped - Frank Harris says it how it is 🙌 *ProjectIcon starts TOMORROW, 9pm on BBC Three and BBC iPlayer ‼️ | BBC Three ▶0:11
Frank by name, Frank by nature 😬 Watch *ProjectIcon on BBC iPlayer now 👉 http://bbc.in/ProjectIcon | BBC Three ▶0:46
Perform or get dropped. You have to BRING IT. Watch *ProjectIcon on BBC iPlayer now 👉 http://bbc.in/ProjectIcon | BBC Three ▶0:26
Nnenna and Jason giving us all the feels with this performance 🤌 Watch the full boxset of *ProjectIcon on @bbciplayer now 📺👉 http://bbc.in/ProjectIcon | BBC Three ▶0:30
Never doing too much but doing enough. Get all the tips in episode 5 of *ProjectIcon on BBC iPlayer 👉 http://bbc.in/ProjectIcon | BBC Three ▶0:16
Watch closely and prepare to be astounded by the mystery and magic before you 🪄🤩 Watch *ProjectIcon on BBC iPlayer now 👉 http://bbc.in/ProjectIcon | BBC Three ▶0:55
😱 Joel M's mind reading is MIND BLOWING 😱 Watch *ProjectIcon NOW on *iPlayer 📺 BBC Three | BBC One ▶1:00
Becky is just as hyped as we are for the winner of *ProjectIcon 👀 ▶0:09
It's the semi-final of *ProjectIcon and the 4 artists are in touching distance of THAT mega prize 🎤 Are they ready @jordannorth1? 👉 WATCH NOW ON BBC iPlayer http://bbc.in/ProjectIcon | BBC Three ▶0:31
Love and lyrics is clearly in the air on *ProjectIcon 👀 Watch *ProjectIcon on BBC iPlayer now 👉 http://bbc.in/ProjectIcon | BBC Three ▶0:43
It's every man for themselves on *ProjectIcon 😬 Catch episode 4 now on @bbciplayer 👉 http://bbc.in/ProjectIcon | BBC Three ▶0:26
We all need this self-confidence, tbh. Catch episode 4 on *ProjectIcon now on @bbciplayer 👉 http://bbc.in/ProjectIcon | BBC Three ▶0:07
There's no friends in this game 😖 Watch *ProjectIcon, Sundays 9pm on BBC Three and on BBC iPlayer NOW 👉 https://bbc.in/40BIhS5 | BBC Three ▶0:15
Frank is not here for games! You've either got it or you don't 😬 *ProjectIcon, Sunday 26 March, only on BBC Three and BBC iPlayer 📺 | BBC Three ▶0:36
If the *ProjectIcon artists want to become the UK’s next big thing, they have to give it their all or nothing! *ProjectIcon, Sunday 26 March, only on BBC Three and BBC iPlayer | BBC ▶0:31
Rule number One: NEVER shade your peers. BBC Three *ProjectIcon *iPlayer | BBC One ▶0:54
Think you're the next big thing in music? You might have what it takes to win *projecticon Coming soon to @bbcthree! Apply now. http://bbc.co.uk/projecticon ▶0:26
Always believe in yourself. BBC Three *ProjectIcon *iPlayer | BBC One ▶0:54
We ❤️ you for you Dylan BBC Three *ProjectIcon *iPlayer | BBC One ▶1:19
Things Okeam did? THAT! @bbcthree *ProjectIcon*iPlayer ▶0:41
Mia & Jason's performance is giving electric!💥 Watch the *ProjectIcon final on @bbciplayer now 📺👉 http://bbc.in/ProjectIcon | BBC Three ▶0:29
🗣 Jeremy Strong has some STRONG advice for the artists 🗣 BBC Three *ProjectIcon *iPlayer | BBC One ▶0:40
Sniffles or not, the show must always go on 🤧 Catch all episodes of *ProjectIcon on BBC iPlayer now 👉 http://bbc.in/ProjectIcon | BBC Three ▶0:22
*ProjectIcon ▶0:54
Who doesn't love a twist? Jordan North is taking the artists to his gaff! BBC Radio 1 let's goooooo 🎉 Watch *ProjectIcon on BBC iPlayer now 📺 | BBC Three ▶0:26
"It's a life-changing experience." Who better than Jordan North to support the *ProjectIcon artists?! 👑 Don't miss *ProjectIcon THIS Sunday 26 March on @BBCThree and BBC iPlayer 📺 | BBC Three ▶0:23
It is impossible to avoid the Becky Hill wave, tbh. Catch *ProjectIcon on BBC iPlayer now 👉 http://bbc.in/ProjectIcon | BBC Three ▶0:18
What a final! Catch up on all episodes of *ProjectIcon on BBC iPlayer now 👉 http://bbc.in/ProjectIcon | BBC Three ▶0:10
The show must always go on BBC Three *ProjectIcon *iPlayer | BBC One ▶0:30
watch me answer jason derulos question 😇 *ProjectIcon *jasonderulo *singing *realityshow *jorjasmith *xyzelle ▶1:26
We wish you well trying to impress THE Becky Hill 🥹 BBC Three *ProjectIcon *iPlayer | BBC One ▶0:29
If you want to shine, you have to listen to Becky Hill 📹 Never miss a moment of *ProjectIcon on BBC iPlayer now 👉 http://bbc.in/ProjectIcon | BBC Three ▶0:10
Can someone open up a window in here 🥵 Turn up the heat and watch the final episode of *ProjectIcon on @bbciplayer now 👉 http://bbc.in/ProjectIcon | BBC Three ▶0:41
In case you were confused, this is not the Barry show. Jam out to *ProjectIcon episode 4 on BBC iPlayer now 👉 http://bbc.in/ProjectIcon @jasonderulo @beckyhill @Therealfrankharris @jordannorth1 | BBC Three ▶0:16
The artists are having an out of ear experience 👂 BBC Three *ProjectIcon *iPlayer | BBC One ▶0:25
From talent show hopeful to Judge 👑 full circle moment Becky Hill Watch *ProjectIcon, Sundays 9pm on @bbcthree and on BBC iPlayer NOW 📺👉 https://bbc.in/40BIhS5 | BBC Three ▶0:16
Living that music video dream. Yes Dylan and Emelle! Catch the latest *ProjectIcon on @bbciplayer now 👉 http://bbc.in/ProjectIcon | BBC Three ▶0:40
The TikTok king OBVIOUSLY had to show us how it's done - Jason Derulo🕺 Watch a brand new episode of *ProjectIcon this Sunday at 6am on BBC iPlayer 👉 http://bbc.in/ProjectIcon *JasonDerulo *BeckyHill *JordanNorth | BBC Three ▶0:18
We sent @JasonDerulo on a MISSION: Project Icon - BBC ▶47:51
Yup, Becky Hill has officially made Jason Derulo British 🇬🇧 BBC Three *ProjectIcon *iPlayer | BBC One ▶0:52
"Shit is about to get real!" The battle for the record deal with @jasonderulo continues in episode 2 of *ProjectIcon 🎤 Drops TOMORROW from 6am on @bbciplayer 📺 http://bbc.in/ProjectIcon | BBC Three ▶0:21
From Miami to Manchester, Jason Derulo and Frank Harris have a lot to learn from Becky Hill about the UK 🥶 Watch *ProjectIcon Sunday 26 March on BBC Three and BBC iPlayer 📺 | BBC Three ▶0:57
She may not have won, but Mia gave her all for the final performance. Catch up on all episodes of *ProjectIcon on @bbciplayer now 📺 👉 http://bbc.in/ProjectIcon | BBC Three ▶0:30
This twist was pure genius Jordan North 😈 Watch all episodes of *ProjectIcon on @BBCiPlayer and vote for us at the NTAs 👉 https://www.nationaltvawards.com | BBC Three ▶0:26
From “coasting” to silent killer. There’s been a lot of growth from episode 4 to episode 5...  BBC Three *ProjectIcon *iPlayer | BBC One | BBC One · Original audio ▶0:33
周杰伦/Jay Chou-听妈妈的话/Ting Ma Ma De Hua(lyrics/歌词+han yu pin yin)/汉语拼音) ▶4:22
If the *ProjectIcon artists want to become the UK’s next big thing, they have to give it their all or nothing! *ProjectIcon, Sunday 26 March, only on BBC Three and BBC iPlayer | BBC One ▶0:31
If the *ProjectIcon artists want to become the UK's next big thing, they have to give it their all or nothing! *ProjectIcon, Sunday 26 March, only on BBC Three and BBC iPlayer 📺 | BBC Three ▶0:31
There’s truth, then there’s total honesty, and then there’s this... 😳😂 BBC Three *ProjectIcon *iPlayer | BBC One ▶0:21
It’s every man for themselves on *ProjectIcon 😬 BBC Three *iPlayer | BBC One ▶0:26
‼️ SPOILER ALERT ‼️ The winner of *ProjectIcon is... 🎉 Watch the full episode on *iPlayer now 📺 BBC Three | BBC One ▶0:43
From "coasting" to silent killer. There's been a lot of growth from episode 4 to episode 5... 😳 Watch the latest episode of *ProjectIcon on BBC iPlayer now 👉 http://bbc.in/ProjectIcon | BBC Three ▶0:33
Rule number One: NEVER shade your peers. *BBCThree *ProjectIcon *iPlayer ▶0:54
It is impossible to avoid the Becky Hill wave, tbh. BBC Three *ProjectIcon *iPlayer | BBC One ▶0:18
It’s every man for themselves on *ProjectIcon 😬 *BBCThree *iPlayer ▶0:26
We ❤️ you for you Dylan Watch new *ProjectIcon on BBC iPlayer now 👉 http://bbc.in/ProjectIcon | BBC Three ▶1:19
Always believe in yourself. *BBCThree *ProjectIcon *iPlayer ▶0:54
From talent show hopeful to Judge 👑 full circle moment Becky Hill BBC Three *ProjectIcon *iPlayer | BBC One ▶0:16
Becky is just as hyped as we are for the winner of *ProjectIcon 👀 Find out who became the UK's next music star in the final episode now on *iPlayer 📺 | BBC One ▶0:09
In case you were confused, this is not the Barry show. BBC Three *ProjectIcon *iPlayer | BBC One ▶0:16
THE FINAL SHOWTIME! Who will be crowned the ultimate ICON?! *ProjectIcon *BBCThree *iPlayer ▶0:26
Living that music video dream. Yes Dylan and Emelle! BBC Three *ProjectIcon *iPlayer | BBC One ▶0:28
Yup, @beckyhillofficial has officially made @jasonderulo British 🇬🇧 @bbcthree *ProjectIcon *iPlayer ▶0:51
We could cut the tension with a knife 😬 Catch all the drama on episode 2 of *ProjectIcon now on BBC iPlayer 👉 http://bbc.in/ProjectIcon | BBC Three ▶0:42
ready for the weekend like.... new Project Icon lands Sunday *shorts ▶0:28
Living that music video dream.Yes Dylan and Emelle! *BBCThree *ProjectIcon *iPlayer ▶0:28
Star quality and talent is all the *ProjectIcon cast need to impress Becky Hill ⭐️ Can they? Find out on 26 March, only on @BBCThree and @BBCiPlayer 📺 | BBC Three ▶0:14
✅ Write songs ✅ Sense of identity ✅ Can stand out on social media Those are Jason Derulo’s demands! BBC Three *ProjectIcon *iPlayer | BBC One ▶0:14
Perform or get dropped. You have to BRING IT. @bbcthree *ProjectIcon *iPlayer ▶0:25
Jason Derulo gives Becky Hill a lesson in US slang 🇺🇸 How did she do? Catch episode 1 of *ProjectIcon now on BBC iPlayer 👉 https://bbc.in/40BIhS5 | BBC Three ▶1:00
It is impossible to avoid the Becky Hill wave, tbh. @bbcthree *ProjectIcon *iPlayer ▶0:17
One must go home, but who will the judges pick? Find out now in episode 4 of *ProjectIcon on BBC iPlayer 👉 http://bbc.in/ProjectIcon | BBC Three ▶0:25
THE FINAL SHOWTIME! The remaining 3 artists are about to take it up a notch. Who will be crowned the ultimate ICON?! THIS SUNDAY 30 APRIL FROM 6AM ON *iPlayer 📺 BBC Three *ProjectIcon | BBC One ▶0:26
Ad | Get ready to watch *ProjectIcon on @BBC iPlayer and @BBC Three 🎤🎵 @Jason Derulo …does Timmy have what it takes? 😂 *Comedy *timmystravels *grayskitz ▶0:35
Sit tight, Jason Derulo has some words for the artists 😬 Hear all about it in episode 5 of *ProjectIcon, on *iPlayer now BBC Three | BBC One ▶0:51
Tensions, tears and tantrums. It's all going down in episode 4 of *ProjectIcon 🫣 TOMORROW FROM 6AM ON BBC iPlayer 📺 Jason Derulo Becky Hill Jordan North | BBC Three ▶0:25
モーション・ピクトグラム ▶2:46
When becky hill, Jason Derulo and Frank Harris speak, we listen! BBC Three *ProjectIcon *iPlayer | BBC One ▶0:35
@Jason Derulo gives @Becky Hill a lesson in US slang 🇺🇸 How did she do? Watch *ProjectIcon now on @BBCiPlayer 📺 *slang *realitytv *jasonderulo *beckyhill *usatiktok ▶0:59
‼️ SPOILER ALERT ‼️The winner of *ProjectIcon is... 🎉 Watch the full episode on *iPlayer now 📺 ▶0:43
*ProjectIcon ▶0:35
Frank is not here for games! You've either got it or you don't 😬 @bbcthree *ProjectIcon *iPlayer ▶0:35
*finds the nearest carribean shop* 🕺 Watch *ProjectIcon, Sundays 9pm on BBC iPlayer 📺 https://bbc.in/40BIhS5 Jason Derulo Becky Hill Jordan North | BBC Three ▶0:54
作品づくりの視点 〜作品をレベルアップするための学びのすすめ〜(GOTO AKI)【キヤノン公式】 ▶46:12
BBC The One Show on Instagram: "“He makes Simon Cowell look like a Disney Princess!” 👑 Why *ProjectIcon is unlike any other talent show ever made! 🎤" ▶0:54
Frank Harris and his one-liners 😆 Watch *ProjectIcon now on @bbciplayer and Sundays at 9pm on @bbcthree 📺 Jason Derulo Becky Hill Jordan North | BBC Three ▶0:10
Sit tight, @Jason Derulo has some words for the artists 😬 Hear all about it in episode 5 of *ProjectIcon on iPlayer now! *singer **showtime ▶0:50
The show must always go on @bbcthree *ProjectIcon *iPlayer ▶0:29
Conceptsで作図したい人へ 図面に便利なツールと機能まとめ ▶10:49
BBC Three on Instagram: "A duo we never knew we needed! @jasonderulo and Dylan rocked out ⭐️ Watch the final episode of *ProjectIcon on @bbciplayer 📺" ▶0:29
Is shade ever good? ▶0:54
If the *ProjectIcon artists want to become the UK’s next big thing, they have to give it their all or nothing! *ProjectIcon, Sunday 26 March, only on @bbcthree and *iPlayer ▶0:30
B-PROJECT プロモーションムービー ▶2:07
Rule number 1: Never forget the lyrics. Sing along to *ProjectIcon on @bbciplayer 👉 http://bbc.in/ProjectIcon | BBC Three ▶0:44
Confidence is attractive 💅 Believe in yourself and watch episode 5 of *ProjectIcon on *iPlayer now ▶0:13
A talent 🤌 keep shining, nnenna! *ProjectIcon *iPlayer ▶0:14
Always believe in yourself. @bbcthree *ProjectIcon *iPlayer ▶0:53
"He makes Simon Cowell look like a Disney Princess!" 👑 Why *ProjectIcon is unlike any other talent show ever made! 🎤 *iPlayer | The One Show ▶0:55
Sorry to that job, I do not know that job. Watch *ProjectIcon, Sundays 9pm on @bbciplayer 👉 https://bbc.in/40BIhS5 Jason Derulo Jordan North Becky Hill | BBC Three ▶0:10
🎶 Rice, Peas and Chicken 🎶 *finds the nearest carribean shop* 🕺 *ProjectIcon *ricepeasandchicken *carribeantiktok *jasonderulo ▶0:53
😱 Joel M's mind reading is MIND BLOWING 😱 *ProjectIcon *iPlayer *BBCThree ▶0:59


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