A Brief History of the Disability Rights Movement ▶14:14・
A Brief But Spectacular take on the disability rights movement ▶4:01・
Our fight for disability rights and why we're not done yet | Judith Heumann | TEDxMidAtlantic ▶21:16・
A Decade of Breakthroughs for Disability Rights ▶4:44・
History and Philosophy of the Disability Rights Movement ▶4:16・
2 disability rights activists on the power of the ADA -- and where it falls short ▶8:06・
Human Rights Model of Disability - Featuring Ellie the Equality Emu ▶3:16・
What Are Disabilities? ▶1:33・
What is the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)? ▶1:31・
On Disability Rights, Building a Movement One Billion Strong ▶2:02・
Commemorating 30 Years of the Americans with Disabilities Act | NowThis ▶10:59・
Disability Rights: The New Defenders ▶2:59・
Understanding the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) ▶1:29:58・
rightsED: Disability Rights - what about Doug's rights? - Part 1 ▶4:32・
Rights Under the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability (UNCRPD) ▶2:26・
The rights of people with disabilities ▶0:50・
Employment Rights for People with Disabilities ▶4:01・
Disability Rights Activist Movement Documentary ▶7:29・
RIghts of Individuals with Developmental or Intellectual Disabilities in Community-Based Programs ▶6:37・
Part 1 Civil Rights Protections for Individuals with a Disability: The Basics ▶26:35・
Social Justice: What’s disability got to do with it? *DisabilityDemandsJustice ▶5:09・
Let's Talk About Disability ▶3:24・
We need to talk about disability ▶2:24・
The Rights of Persons with Disability Act, 2016 (RPWD Act, 2016) of India ▶55:31・
Was 1995 the year that changed everything for disabled people? ▶3:35・
"Crip Camp" and the disability rights movement ▶7:02・
Disability Law, Policy and Civil Rights Movement ▶6:30・
Rights of Persons with Disabilities to Access Public Natural Resources ▶1:30:41・
Disability Rights as a Person with Developmental Disabilities | People First Advocacy Group WCBDD ▶3:19・
Remembering Judy Heumann's lasting contributions to disability rights ▶3:51・
ADAPT - A Brief History of the Disability Rights Movement ▶25:46・
Do Disabled People Really Have The Same Rights? ▶11:45・
Know Your Rights | Self-Determination | Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities ▶3:15・
Disability Rights California: Overview of programs and how to connect & benefit from their services ▶1:02:49・
Rights and Responsibilities of Adults with Disabilities ▶7:11・
Who Are the Heroes? A History of the Disability Rights Movement? ▶1:14:18・
Human rights and people with disability ▶58:22・
♿ Disability Inclusion: Rights, Issues & Solutions in India | Empowering Every Ability- UPSC - 441 ▶27:15・
Disability Benefits: Know Your Rights ▶43:07・
Disability rights in the United States and the shape of discrimination today (Full Stream 10/13) ▶50:37・
Disability rights are human rights | Rooted in Rights Explains ▶1:54・
What is Disability Rights Florida? ▶59:41・
Are disability rights in question in Kansas? Here's the latest on Section 504 lawsuit ▶2:17・
The Future of Disability Inclusion: Facilitators Leading the Way — *CommitToInclusion ▶4:43・
Disability Rights Act of 2018 in Nigeria: What You Need to Know @TheDisabilityDigest ▶3:14・
Plenary 2 | MIM CC: Disability Rights and Advocacy ▶1:23:45・
Plenary 1 | MIM CC: Disability Rights and Advocacy ▶1:26:06・
Full participation equal full rights *disabilityrights *nigeria *facts *disability ▶0:16・
Track 1 | MIM CC: Disability Rights and Advocacy ▶20:59・
Disability rights are under threat call your attorney general and tell them to protect section 504 ▶1:02・
When disabled people took to the streets to change the law ▶0:49・
Disability Discrimination Act: The disabled activists who brought London to a halt ▶3:35・
2 disability rights activists on the power of the ADA — and where it falls short ▶8:05・
Disability rights matter *disabilityrights *motivation *nigeria *globalequality *facts ▶0:16・
Disability rights to accessibility *disabilityrights *globalequality *nigeria *motivation *facts ▶0:16・
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: 5 Facts | United Nations ▶0:50・
Acts and Facts : The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 | 15 December, 2022 ▶5:43・
What is the ADA? Three Milestones to Celebrate ▶3:01・
Disability Advocacy 101 ▶2:52・
ODR Disability Sensitivity Training ▶3:41・
Working Together: Part 4. Applying Human Rights Principles ▶3:11・
'What we wish people knew about living with a disability' | IDPwD | ABC Australia ▶8:39・
Signing of the ADA ▶22:03・
Human Rights 2019 - Disability and Human Rights in Australia ▶26:17・
Disability History Month - The 1995 Disability Discrimination Act ▶0:46・
Know your rights: People with disabilities ▶3:56・
What Is The Disability Determination Services'? - CountyOffice.org ▶3:12・
FIRST Disability Check? Here's What to Expect! ▶5:46・
Tammy Duckworth Praises Disability Rights Activists, Thanks Them For Her Ability To Work In Congress ▶1:40・
How to empower people with disability ▶2:06・
What is disability discrimination? | Equality law: discrimination explained ▶3:33・
Disability Rights California, California's Protection & Advocacy System ▶6:13・
History of Disabilities & Discrimination (for kids) ▶1:21・
Disability Inclusion Matters for All ▶1:42・
Disability Awareness: Knowing your Rights & Responsibilities ▶2:33・
Ask Donna: Advocacy in Action: March 2025 ▶43:31・
Human Rights: Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities ▶3:41・
Americans with Disabilities Act: Accessibility for All - Disability Justice Series | Academy 4 S... ▶5:26・
Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) // Basic Training You Need To Know ▶10:48・
What is discrimination arising from disability? | Equality law: discrimination explained ▶3:13・
[Understanding the UN CRPD] 2. What is the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities? ▶19:58・
30 years after ADA's passage, what it means to these Americans with disabilities ▶5:39・
Breaking down barriers thanks to the Disability Discrimination Act *YourStoryOurHistory ▶2:41・
The ADA Explained ▶8:36・
Promote Rights of Persons with Disabilities ▶3:20・
Zero Discrimination Day 2025: Meaning, Significance & Theme| Important days *zerodiscrimination ▶1:09・
Heumann nature: The life and legacy of disability rights activist Judy Heumann ▶6:12・
Access to all *disabilityrights *motivation *nigeria *facts *accessibilitymatters ▶0:16・
Nyle Di Marco- Disabilities & Human Rights | Sustainable Development Goals | United Nations ▶10:37・
Judith Heumann: Our fight for disability rights -- and why we're not done yet ▶17:14・
Disability Rights and Peacebuilding: A Playbook for Better Inclusion ▶55:37・
The work of the United Nations to Expand the Rights of Persons with Disabilities ▶2:14・
Persons with Disabilities: Struggling for Rights and Recognition | 7pm Highlights | ForumIAS ▶5:50・
Access to Health Care for People with Disabilities: Know Your Rights (English) ▶8:01・
30 Years After a Landmark Disability Law, the Fight for Access and Equality Continues ▶13:38・
UN Human Rights Council - Discussion on Rights of Persons with Disabilities ▶3:21・
When disabled people took to the streets to change the law ▶0:49・
75 Years: Laws that Shaped India | The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 ▶30:03・
Understanding Disability ▶5:04・
Advocacy, Inclusion and Consumer Rights for People with Developmental Disabilities ▶22:26・
Rights & Responsibilities ▶7:30・
Webinar | Qualifying Disabilities for Federal Disability Retirement ▶22:31・
Nothing about us without us *disabilityrights *nigeria *accessibility ▶0:16・
How & When to Disclose My Disability Under the ADA ▶2:38・
How the American Disabilities Act Impacts Lives Today ▶1:48 >>次へNext
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