Find in video from 00:01 Introduction to Landfill Search ▶2:13
First Nations leaders say Winnipeg landfill search must happen ▶5:07
Winnipeg landfill search: Canada commits $740,000 into further study of feasibility as calls grow ▶1:29
“We deserve a peaceful burial”: Winnipeg landfill protest heats up ▶2:20
Find in video from 00:27 Prairie Gree Landfill ▶1:55
Winnipeg serial killer: Forensic expert on logistics of searching landfill for murder victims ▶35:35
Indigenous leaders angry over decision to not search Manitoba landfills for bodies of murder victims ▶3:32
Winnipeg police say no plans to search landfills for more victims of alleged serial killer | FULL ▶3:01
Winnipeg murders: Operations at landfill paused amid outrage ▶0:35
Court grants injunction to remove blockade at Winnipeg landfill ▶3:42
Find in video from 0:00 Commitment to Landfill Search ▶2:04
Manitoba's premier-designate 'committed' to landfill search *shorts ▶3:36
Landfill search advocates appeal to federal government | Your Morning ▶2:05
Indigenous woman’s body found at Winnipeg landfill ▶2:33
Protesters agree to end Winnipeg blockade after city issues order ▶2:06
Premiers face Indigenous anger over search for remains in Winnipeg landfill ▶3:06
Find in video from 02:05 Landfill Closure and National Inquiry Recommendations ▶2:19
Winnipeg protesters rally after police dismiss investigations into body of woman found at landfill ▶2:03
Protesters push Manitoba government to search landfill for murdered women ▶0:42
'No hope' of successful recovery of alleged serial killer's victims in landfill: Winnipeg police ▶2:28
Manitoba government won't support landfill search for women's remains ▶2:41
Find in video from 00:02 The Landfill Search ▶2:02
Ottawa to fund study into landfill search for murdered women's remains ▶12:22
Man seen dumping dirt and debris on MMIW mural ▶4:45
PCs make opposition to landfill search a central facet of campaign ▶2:34
Find in video from 00:34 Landfill Search Debate ▶24:00
Police dismantle Winnipeg landfill blockade as activists promise further action ▶1:15
Find in video from 00:38 The Challenge of Searching Landfills ▶10:52
Winnipeg mulls landfill search for remains of 2 slain Indigenous women ▶1:43
Will governments pay to search Winnipeg landfill for slain First Nations women? ▶3:39
Find in video from 03:21 Landfill Openness and Operationality ▶2:40
Winnipeg police say searching landfill for human remains not "feasible" | Your Morning ▶3:19
Blockade continues at Winnipeg landfill after deadline passes | APTN News ▶1:36
Find in video from 0:00 Landfill report ▶1:30
APTN National News January 27, 2024 – Landfill report, Winnipeg hotel faces criticism ▶2:14
Chief criticizes Manitoba premier’s response to landfill search ▶6:16
Ottawa 'exploring' how to support Winnipeg landfill search: minister ▶1:48
Winnipeg landfill protesters stand ground despite court injunction ▶1:11
Family of woman found dead in Winnipeg landfill shocked over police handling of investigation ▶2:10
Wab Kinew faces high expectations as Manitoba premier ▶2:09
Slain woman's daughters demand Winnipeg police search landfill ▶12:10
Rally at Manitoba Legislature urges landfill search ▶14:16
Find in video from 01:03 Landfill Search Expected ▶13:30
Families create safe space before victims’ search at Winnipeg landfill ▶2:07
Manitobans divided on landfill search ▶0:17
Calls for resignation of Winnipeg police chief in wake of deaths ▶0:44
Manitoba prepares to search landfill for murdered Indigenous women ▶1:56
What Trudeau said about Manitoba landfill search for remains of Indigenous women ▶1:09
Find in video from 00:25 Protesters block entrance at City on Landfill ▶0:53
Protesters blockade another Winnipeg landfill ▶2:50
First Nations leaders say Winnipeg landfill search must happen ▶3:36
Manitoba premier-designate 'committed' to moving ahead on Winnipeg landfill search ▶2:05
Winnipeg police release details about body found at Brady Road landfill ▶2:03
Daughters of slain Winnipeg woman push police to search landfill ▶2:06
Families relieved ahead of Winnipeg landfill search ▶0:53
Are there concerns on whether the Winnipeg-area landfill search will get done? ▶1:51
Manitoba premier still mum on funding to search landfill for remains of two women ▶2:04
Manitoba begins next stage of landfill search for remains of Indigenous women ▶2:07
'We shouldn't be begging,' family says as calls for landfill search continue ▶1:07
Feasibility study complete into search of Winnipeg landfill for women’s remains ▶0:29
Find in video from 02:23 Uses of Landfills ▶2:26
How a Landfill Works ▶1:00
Find in video from 0:00 Introduction to Landfill Search Concerns ▶23:57
Manitoba premier won't support landfill search where remains of two women believed to be located ▶2:06
Find in video from 00:26 Call for Landfills ▶2:29
Premiers face Indigenous anger over search for remains in Winnipeg landfill ▶0:59
Find in video from 0:00 Introduction to Landfill Search ▶1:50
Manitoba begins critical stage of landfill search for two missing, murdered women ▶2:29
Support from across Canada arrives in Manitoba to call for landfill search ▶1:33
Search of landfill for womens’ remains possible: study *short ▶5:07
Hundreds rally, march in downtown Winnipeg to demand search of landfill for women's remains ▶18:11
Indigenous woman’s body found at Winnipeg landfill ▶1:03
Find in video from 0:00 Introduction to Landfill Search ▶1:19
Demonstrators across Canada call for landfills to be searched for bodies of missing Indigenous women ▶0:39
Activists continue calls to search landfill for bodies of murder victims at Canadian Museum for Human Rights ▶7:45
Winnipeg police explain their reasoning not to search Prairie Green Landfill ▶3:27
Landfill search for women's remains could begin in April, Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs says ▶8:16
Forensic anthropologist says search of Winnipeg’s Prairie Green Landfill should be possible - APTN News ▶2:40
Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs reveals some info on new report looking into landfill search | APTN News ▶2:14
Forensic anthropologist says search of Winnipeg’s Prairie Green landfill should be possible | N2N ▶8:44
Find in video from 00:10 What is Landfill? ▶30:51
What is Landfill & how does it affect us? ▶2:20
Manitoba leaders suggest landfill search could be feasible — if acted on quickly ▶2:15
Manitoba premier says decision not to fund landfill search for remains was about safety ▶3:27
Trial of admitted serial killer hears about search of Winnipeg landfill for remains ▶3:12
Winnipeg police face growing pressure to search landfill for murdered Indigenous women ▶0:28
Hundreds close Winnipeg's Portage and Main in honour of woman found dead in Winnipeg landfill ▶5:07
Landfill facts and statistics - A global problem ▶3:06
Winnipeg landfill search: Canada commits $740,000 into further study of feasibility as calls grow ▶4:46
Foul play not suspected in death of 33-year-old Linda Mary Beardy, Winnipeg police chief says ▶2:18
Manitoba opposition leader says refusing a landfill search has deep societal impact ▶5:06
New blockade set up at Winnipeg landfill, calling for search ▶2:48
From above: Prairie Green Landfill north of Winnipeg ▶1:57
Find in video from 0:00 Introduction to Miramar Landfill ▶1:46
What Happens at the Landfill ▶2:05
Death of woman found in Winnipeg landfill not suspicious: police ▶2:02
Find in video from 0:00 Introduction to Landfills ▶1:59
How does a landfill work? ▶2:29
Find in video from 0:00 Introduction to Landfills ▶2:23
How a landfill works ▶
Indigenous woman’s body found at Winnipeg landfill ▶
Manitoba justice minister doubles down on stance against searching landfill ▶
Find in video from 00:09 The Call for a Landfill Search ▶
Winnipeg MP wants UN to get involved in calls for landfill search ▶
Report details cost estimates, risks of proposed Manitoba landfill search for remains ▶
Find in video from 0:00 Intro of APTN National News January 6, 2022 – Landfill reopens, Bilodeau sentenced ▶
APTN National News January 6, 2022 – Landfill reopens, Bilodeau sentenced ▶
Winnipeg landfill search for remains of First Nations women disposed by serial killer could last two years ▶
Search the landfill says Winnipeg MP | APTN News ▶
Plan approved to search landfill for 2 murdered Indigenous women's remains ▶
Find in video from 00:17 Commitment to Search Landfill ▶
Manitoba government, feds commit $40 million towards landfill search ▶
Pierre Poilievre on whether a Conservative government would support a Winnipeg-area landfill search ▶
Winnipeg landfill search: Canada commits $740,000 into further study of feasibility as calls grow ▶
Winnipeg landfill blockade remains in wake of MMIWG | Your Morning ▶
Manitoba begins excavation for remains of Indigenous women at landfill ▶
Landfill search for women's remains to begin late this fall ▶
Manitoba, First Nations group start recruiting workers to search landfill for remains ▶
Winnipeg landfill search: Canada commits $740,000 into further study of feasibility as calls grow ▶
Confrontations between protesters at Brady Road landfill blockade caught on camera ▶
Federal government will provide $740K for possible landfill search ▶
Find in video from 00:39 Landfill System ▶
How gases and liquids are drained from landfills ▶
Find in video from 0:00 Introduction to Landfills ▶
What is a landfill? ▶
Calls to search Winnipeg landfill grow ahead of planned day of action ▶
Daughter of slain woman speaks out against Manitoba premier’s decision not to search landfill ▶
Pierre Poilievre talks landfill search during stop in Winnipeg ▶
Plastic recycling: Is it really ending up in landfill? ▶
Winnipeg landfill protesters refuse to budge after evacuation deadline passes ▶


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