A Day at MoMA Manhattan: Must-See Artworks ▶1:01・
MoMA, NEW YORK: The Museum of Modern Art in Manhattan, NYC, USA in *4K / Walking tour, April 2022 ▶4:11・
MOMA The Museum of Modern Art Walkthrough Part 1 New York City ▶38:22・
Museum of Modern Art (MOMA). New York. ▶5:50・
Tour of the MoMA in NYC! Museum of Modern Art! ▶19:52・
Tips for visiting the MoMA New York City - What to see and how to get the most out of it ▶2:55・
Picasso's Sculptures at MoMA for Kids - Museum of Modern Art - New York ▶6:37・
Inside MoMA - Museum of Modern Art - New York ▶8:47・
Marcel Duchamp | HOW TO SEE “Readymades” with MoMA curator Ann Temkin ▶6:13・
How to paint like Pablo Picasso (Cubism) – with Corey D'Augustine | IN THE STUDIO ▶33:07・
Steve Martin on how to look at abstract art | MoMA BBC | THE WAY I SEE IT ▶4:03・
MoMA: A new Moment ▶1:00・
Visiting MoMA (The Museum of Modern Art) in New York City ▶33:09・
Exploring MoMA: Must-See Installation in NYC ▶0:15・
A new MoMA: Our Collection ▶1:10・
MoMA through Time ▶3:21・
Designing the exhibition title wall for MoMA's "Rauschenberg: Among Friends" | AT THE MUSEUM ▶3:17・
LIVE Q&A with MoMA Exhibition Designers (Nov 14) ▶47:37・
LIVE Q&A with MoMA Curator Anne Umland (April 24) ▶48:50・
Traveling Souls on Instagram: "In search for the high art at MoMA , NYC… 🇺🇸 🗽" ▶14:29・
Top 4 Art Museums in New York ▶7:00・
Behind the Scenes: Tim Burton at MoMA ▶1:49:15・
MoMA Forum on Contemporary Photography | MoMA LIVE ▶3:56・
Vinicius Amorim I Nitio on Instagram: "MoMA NYC 🖼️" ▶0:15・
“Artists very often search around themselves, and look at the art world to try to find a style and content that will work for them, and make them successful.But there is only one thing that can make them complete, and that is to understand and appreciate themselves, and their own feelings and curiosities. The art that they make must grow directly out of the fertility of their own heart. Nothing else can take their own long-lasting commitment with it. They cannot try or succeed in being someone e ▶0:16・
Fiona Apple - Fast As You Can (Official HD Video) ▶0:54・
Borya Kuznetsov on Instagram: "We go to MoMA! Picasso, Matisse, Van Gohg, Modigliani, Cezanne, Kandinsky, Chagall, Pollock, Redon and more! Тур для Детей в воскресенье, 16го марта. Sign in at Artstudio5005.ticketspice.com/MoMa This is our new site, please check it out! *artstudio5005 *музейдлядетей *modernart *momanyc *идемвмузей *боряленакузнецов *плохомуненаучим *picasso *artschoolnyc" ▶6:58・
moma moma,❤️❤️😘*youtubeshorts *viralvideo *trending *viralshorts ▶4:36・
It’s evil to think that “ED RUSCHA / NOW THEN” closes in just a few days on Saturday, January 13 at MoMA. *MoMANYC *EdRuscha *Artwork *ThingsToDoInNYC — Ed Ruscha. “Evil.” 1973. Collection Robin Wright and Ian Reeves ▶3:36・
You have to see it to believe it! 🎨 *MoMANYC *thingstodoinnyc *nycmuseum *NYCtravel — [1] Vincent van Gogh. “The Starry Night.” Saint Rémy, June 1889. Acquired through the Lillie P. Bliss Bequest (by exchange). Conservation was made possible by the Bank of America Art Conservation Project [2] Salvador Dalí. “The Persistence of Memory.” 1931. Given anonymously. © 2024 Salvador Dalí, Gala-Salvador Dalí Foundation / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York [3] Lee Bontecou. “Untitled.” 1961. Kay Sag ▶4:50・
Top 5 NYC Museums You've Never Heard Of (But SHOULD Visit)! -Things To Do in New York City ▶12:32・
How artists explore identity | Modern Art & Ideas ▶7:06・
Three Dog Night - Mama Told Me (Not To Come) - Live ▶0:05・
Yves Klein: How texture affects our perception of color in Blue Monochrome | AT THE MUSEUM ▶4:08・
Inside Museum of Modern Art - New York - Part II | Online Art Education ▶0:37・
Pressure + Ink: Lithography Process ▶0:43・
secure tix online 🎟 *nychacks *momanyc *museumofmodernart *nycmuseum *nycartexhibit *nycfreebies *nycfree *nycfreeevents *thingstodoinnyc *dasominnewyork *explorenewyorkcity ▶36:53・
How artists transform everyday objects | Modern Art & Ideas ▶30:00・
The concept of this artworks is recycling these old paintings and bringing them up to date with modern themes. Thoughts? Pixelated flower bouquet by German artist André Schulze @andreschulzeart. *painting *artist *artworks *artconsultantsnyc *artconsultantslondon *artgallery *moma *momanyc *losangelesart *nycart *chicagoart *americanartist *germanart *architects_need | Architects need ▶0:34・
Michael David Mayo on Instagram: "ART MUSEUM SERIES: MOMA, NYC 🍎" ▶2:02・
MTA New York City Subway A, B, C, D, E, F, L, M, 4, 5, 6 Trains (3/5/20) ▶1:58・
How to paint like Willem de Kooning – Part 2 – with Corey D'Augustine | IN THE STUDIO ▶6:38・
How do you cover a room in chocolate? *MoMANYC *MuseumofModernArt *EdRuscha *Ruscha *ChocolateRoom *Chocolate *Artist *ThingsToDoInNYC — Ed Ruscha. “Chocolate Room.” 1970/2023. The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles. Purchase with funds provided by the Acquisition and Collection Committee.© 2023 Ed Ruscha ▶1:04・
MAMA TOLD ME NOT TO COME - Randy Newman (BBC Live in Concert 1971) ▶20:59・
Elvis Presley.... Thats Alright (Mama)- First Release - 1954 ▶0:45・
How to stretch a large canvas – with Corey D'Augustine | IN THE STUDIO ▶10:50・
This painting is made of dots! Take a close look at Georges-Pierre Seurat’s “Evening, Honfleur” at MoMA. *MoMANYC *GeorgesPierreSeurat *Seurat *Pointillism *Artwork *Painting *ThingsToDoInNYC — Georges-Pierre Seurat. “Evening, Honfleur.” 1886. Gift of Mrs. David M. Levy ▶2:10・
How to draw mechs and everything else basically ▶8:29・
What sounds can you hear when you look at this painting? *MoMANYC *E... ▶25:08・
Inside a $2.5 MILLION Penthouse Oasis near Central Park | Unlocked with Ryan Serhant ▶4:02・
"The artist is present" MARINA ABRAMOVIC ▶3:26・
How the NYC Subway Works ▶15:14・
A Drive Through NYC In 1997 ▶12:53・
How to paint like Jackson Pollock – One: Number 31, 1950 – with Corey D'Augustine | IN THE STUDIO ▶10:11・
Mother Mother // Mamma Told Me (LYRICS) ▶3:33・
How to Ride the New York City Subway (Guide to the NYC Subway) ▶1:11:08・
The New York City Subway in Manhattan ▶1:50:09・
Jewellery Curator on Instagram: "@edwardpovey “Art and money are a paradox“ Edward Povey is represented in the USA by Ray Waterhouse and Sandra Safta Waterhouse of MODERN FINE ART | Fine Art Brokers, New York (formerly Waterhouse & Dodd, New York). *momanyc *tate *tatemodern *nationalgallery *gettymuseum" ▶0:36・
New York Subway 1986 NYC -directors cut- with stereo audio track.mpg ▶0:55・
700-Hour Silent Opera Reaches Finale at MoMA ▶0:25・
1+ Hour Midtown Manhattan Drone ▶4:52・
⁴ᴷ⁶⁰ NYC Subway Front Window View - The A Line to 207th Street ▶0:30・
What objects do you collect? Artist Joan Jonas collects instruments, rocks, masks, and more to use as props and tools in her work and play with space and sound. 🌙☀️ Celebrate *JoanJonas’s daring and original 50-year-career in a new exhibition, “Good Night Good Morning,” on view now at MoMA. *MoMANYC ▶2:38・
🖍️ Take a behind the scenes look at how this colorful world was made! See “Projects: Tadáskía” now on view at MoMA. *MoMANYC *ThingsToDoInNYC *InstallationArt *Installation — In-progress installation of “Projects: Tadáskía.” ▶0:20・
Stop and listen to the “Water Lilies.” *MoMANYC *ThingsToDoInNYC *ClaudeMonet *Monet *WaterLilies *Pond — Claude Monet. “Water Lilies.” 1914-26. Mrs. Simon Guggenheim Fund ▶3:12・
Marlon Mullen @MoMA NYC art review 뉴욕 전시리뷰 ▶3:55・
How did artist *EllsworthKelly break tradition with this painting? *Painting *Colors *Artist *ThingsToDoInNYC *MoMANYC — [1] Ellsworth Kelly. “Colors for a Large Wall.” 1951. Gift of the artist. © 2024 Ellsworth Kelly [2 3] Hans Namuth. “Photography session with Ellsworth Kelly for a series on American artists.” c. 1958. © 1991 Hans Namuth Estate, Courtesy Center for Creative Photography, University of Arizona [3] Ellsworth Kelly. “Tuileries.” 1949. Gift of the artist. © 2024 Ellsworth Kelly [4] ▶13:00・
Richard Serra: Equal | ARTIST STORIES ▶0:32・
Free Admissions at MoMA on First Fridays in NYC ▶17:49・
Elvis Presley-Thats All Right Mamma`68 ▶2:57・
How to paint like Franz Kline – with Corey D'Augustine | IN THE STUDIO ▶1:44・
NYC Subway: Rush Hour at Times Square Station ▶6:35・
🧩 This piece by José Clemente Orozco can be arranged in any order! *momanyc *museumofmodernart *joseclementeorozco *art *painting *getcultured — José Clemente Orozco. “Dive Bomber and Tank.” 1940. Commissioned through the Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Fund. © 2023 José Clemente Orozco / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / SOMAAP, Mexico ▶1:02:33・
NYC Subway HD 60fps: R143 & R160A L Trains & R62 3 Trains @ Livonia Avenue (4/23/17) ▶1:28・
Broadway Boogie Woogie by Piet Mondrian - MOMA NYC ▶9:04・
Marina Abramovi The Artist is Present Trailer (2012) Documentary HD ▶56:37・
New York 1911 (New Version) in Color [60fps, Remastered] w/sound design added ▶3:10・
10 Iconic NYC Restaurants To Visit When Social Distancing Is Over | Legendary Eats Marathon ▶0:28・
Introduction to Modern Art & Ideas ▶21:06・
New York 1911 | MoMA FILM ▶8:36・
In Our Time: The Museum of Modern Art ▶5:10・
Grlwood - I Hate My Mom (Lyrics) ▶8:41・
How did this room get covered in chocolate? Let’s take a look at the process of creating Ed Ruscha’s “Chocolate Room!” *momanyc *museumofmodernart *getcultured *chocolate *edruscha *ruscha *cocolateroom *thingstodoinnyc *explorenyc — Ed Ruscha. “Chocolate Room.” 1970/2023. The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles. Purchase with funds provided by the Acquisition and Collection Committee. © 2023 Ed Ruscha. ▶11:31・
Exhibition Tour—Vertigo of Color: Matisse, Derain, and the Origins of Fauvism | Met Exhibitions ▶15:33・
[4k, 60 fps] A Trip Through New York City in 1911 ▶12:26・
How I Easily Landed 2 Summer Internships in High School ▶3:57・
BAD BLACK Opening Scene ▶0:45・
12 Things Every First Timer MUST DO When Visiting NYC ! ▶4:17・
New York Road Test ▶4:50・
Dead Poets Day ⏾ on Instagram: "“Art and money often exist as a paradox.” Edward Povey is represented in the United States by Ray Waterhouse and Sandra Safta Waterhouse of MODERN FINE ART | Fine Art Brokers, New York (formerly Waterhouse & Dodd, New York). *momanyc *tate *tatemodern *nationalgallery *gettymuseum *deadpoets *Deadpoetswilde *deadpoetsday *poetry *darkacademia *academiaaesthetic *poems" ▶0:51・
Christmas Spectacular Starring the Radio City Rockettes 2017 ▶1:01:44・
Ozzy Osbourne "Mama, I'm Coming Home" (Larkin Poe Cover) ▶0:52・
The art of your dreams. What is Surrealism? 🤔 *momanyc *museumofmodernart *artterms *surrealism *getcultured *arthistory — 🎨 [1] Salvador Dalí. “The Persistence of Memory.” 1931. Given anonymously. © 2023 Salvador Dalí, Gala-Salvador Dalí Foundation / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York [2] Remedios Varo. “The Juggler (The Magician). 1956. Gift of Joan H. Tisch (by exchange). © 2023 Remedios Varo, Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York / VEGAP, Madrid [3] Dorothea Tanning. “On Time Off Time ▶15:45・
Johnny T's NYC Tourist Tips ▶13:48・
How artists respond to political crises | Modern Art & Ideas ▶0:42・
Tint, Shade & Tone | ART TERMS IN ACTION ▶1:00:16・
YNW Melly - Mama Cry (1 HOUR) ▶15:58・
The wonder of the moon. *MoMANYC *MuseumofModernArt *TarsilaDoAmaral *Moon *ThingsToDoInNYC *Painting *GetCultured — Tarsila do Amaral. “The Moon.” 1928. Gift of Joan H. Tisch (by exchange). © Tarsila do Amaral ▶4:45・
New York, June 1998 ▶3:09・
NYC Subway HD 60fps: R188 & R62A 7 Train Action @ 34th Street - Hudson Yards (6/16/17) ▶1:04・
⭐ Did you know *StarryNight isn't exactly at night? *VanGogh was not just capturing a night sky—he infused it with memories and emotions the view from his asylum evoked in him. *momanyc *museumofmodernart *stargazing *painting *arttok *getcultured — Vincent van Gogh. “The Starry Night.” Saint Rémy, June 1889. Acquired through the Lillie P. Bliss Bequest (by exchange). Conservation was made possible by the Bank of America Art Conservation Project ▶0:17・
NYC Subway HD 60fps: Budd R32 Z Skip-Stop Train Thunderstorm Railfan Window RFW Ride (7/25/16) ▶1:04・
My First Time In New York City | Runway 7 Fashion Week ▶0:54・
How artists capture environments | Modern Art & Ideas ▶1:01・
ANGELIC SINGING of Bulgaria - Malka Moma - Neli Andreeva & Philip Kutev Choir ▶0:45・
This painting is made of dots! Take a close look at Georges-Pierre Seurat’s “Evening, Honfleur” at MoMA. *MoMANYC *GeorgesPierreSeurat *Seurat *Pointillism *Artwork *Painting *ThingsToDoInNYC — Georges-Pierre Seurat. “Evening, Honfleur.” 1886. Gift of Mrs. David M. Levy ▶0:16・
Step into this tiny surrealist theater by Salvador Dalí. *MoMANYC *SalvadorDali *Dali *Theater *Art *Artwork *Sculpture *ThingsToDoInNYC — [1] Salvador Dalí. “The Little Theater.” 1934. Acquired through the James Thrall Soby Bequest, and the Abby Aldrich Rockefeller, Loula D. Lasker, and William S. Paley Funds. © 2024 Salvador Dalí, Gala-Salvador Dalí Foundation / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York [2] Philippe Halsman. “Dali Atomicus.” 1948. Gift of the artist. © 2024 Halsman Estate ▶0:34・
What is Mexican Muralism? *MoMANYC *CasaTikTok *GetCultured *DiegoRivera *JoséClementeOrozco *DavidAlfaroSiquerios *Art *MexicanMuralism *Murals — [1] Diego Rivera. “Agrarian Leader Zapata.” 1931. Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Fund. © 2023 Banco de México Diego Rivera Frida Kahlo Museums Trust, Mexico, D.F. / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York [2] David Alfaro Siqueiros. “Echo of a Scream.” 1937. Gift of Edward M. M. Warburg. © 2023 Siqueiros David Alfaro / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York ▶0:11・
You have to see it to believe it! 🎨 *MoMANYC *thingstodoinnyc *nycmuseum *NYCtravel — [1] Vincent van Gogh. “The Starry Night.” Saint Rémy, June 1889. Acquired through the Lillie P. Bliss Bequest (by exchange). Conservation was made possible by the Bank of America Art Conservation Project [2] Salvador Dalí. “The Persistence of Memory.” 1931. Given anonymously. © 2024 Salvador Dalí, Gala-Salvador Dalí Foundation / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York [3] Lee Bontecou. “Untitled.” 1961. Kay Sag ▶0:36・
A Day at MoMA Manhattan: Must-See Artworks ▶0:53・
What sounds can you hear when you look at this painting? *MoMANYC *E... ▶0:05・
It’s evil to think that “ED RUSCHA / NOW THEN” closes in just a few days on Saturday, January 13 at MoMA. *MoMANYC *EdRuscha *Artwork *ThingsToDoInNYC — Ed Ruscha. “Evil.” 1973. Collection Robin Wright and Ian Reeves ▶0:12・
How do you cover a room in chocolate? *MoMANYC *MuseumofModernArt *EdRuscha *Ruscha *ChocolateRoom *Chocolate *Artist *ThingsToDoInNYC — Ed Ruscha. “Chocolate Room.” 1970/2023. The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles. Purchase with funds provided by the Acquisition and Collection Committee.© 2023 Ed Ruscha ▶0:58・
MoMa New York The Museum Of Modern Art ▶0:43・
What objects do you collect? Artist Joan Jonas collects instruments, rocks, masks, and more to use as props and tools in her work and play with space and sound. 🌙☀️ Celebrate *JoanJonas’s daring and original 50-year-career in a new exhibition, “Good Night Good Morning,” on view now at MoMA. *MoMANYC ▶0:19・
Discover the Magic of MoMA NYC's Modern *best *travel *10bestplaces ▶0:36・
secure tix online 🎟 *nychacks *momanyc *museumofmodernart *nycmuseum *nycartexhibit *nycfreebies *nycfree *nycfreeevents *thingstodoinnyc *dasominnewyork *explorenewyorkcity ▶0:36・
Sculpture in moma nyc ▶0:15・
Visiting the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York City ▶0:33・
Michael David Mayo on Instagram: "ART MUSEUM SERIES: MOMA, NYC 🍎" ▶・
Art & Architecture on Instagram: "A kinetic installation of light and movement Meadow by @studio.drift represented by @pacegallery. Thoughts? How cool is that? Materials: aluminum, polished stainless steel, silk, LEDs, robotics. Meadow by DRIFT | is part of the permanent collection of Rijksmuseum. Video from terramure on TT @friendsoffashion.ua. *kinetic *drift *technologyart *modernart *iamstorm *immersiveart *moma *momanyc *nycart *losangelesart *artwork *textielmuseum *artworld *artinstallati ▶・
Design & Furniture on Instagram: "The concept of this artworks is recycling these old paintings and bringing them up to date with modern themes. Thoughts? Pixelated flower bouquet by German artist André Schulze @andreschulzeart. *painting *artist *artworks *artconsultantsnyc *artconsultantslondon *artgallery *moma *momanyc *losangelesart *nycart *chicagoart *americanartist *germanart *designers_need" ▶・
All About Art And Architecture on Instagram: "The concept of this artworks is recycling these old paintings and bringing them up to date with modern themes. Thoughts? Pixelated flower bouquet by German artist André Schulze @andreschulzeart. *painting *artist *artworks *artconsultantsnyc *artconsultantslondon *artgallery *moma *momanyc *losangelesart *nycart *chicagoart *americanartist *germanart *architects_review" ▶・
moma moma,❤️❤️😘*youtubeshorts *viralvideo *trending *viralshorts ▶・
Meet “MamaRay,” the sculpture that emerged from an underwater Afrofuturist world. Artist Wangechi Mutu reshapes narratives of womanhood, playing with the female form with divine female warriors, goddesses, and supernatural creatures. *MoMANYC *WangechiMutu *Sculpture *ThingsToDoInNYC *WomenOfTikTok — Wangechi Mutu. “MamaRay.” 2020. Committee on Painting and Sculpture Funds and gift of Abby Aldrich Rockefeller and Frances Archipenko Gray (both by exchange) ▶ >>次へNext
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