Laval, Que., left shaken after fatal bus crash into daycare ▶2:33
Drone captures bird's-eye view of Laval daycare bus crash scene ▶0:47
Laval daycare bus crash claims lives of 2 children, injures 6 others ▶1:52
2 children dead, driver charged after bus crashes into daycare in Laval, Que. ▶2:26
2 children dead, 6 injured in Laval, Que., daycare bus crash ▶16:22
Two children killed as Laval bus crashed into a daycare ▶4:47
Laval bus driver charged in fatal daycare crash found fit to stand trial ▶1:37
Laval bus driver charged in fatal daycare crash found fit to stand trial ▶1:37
At the scene following bus crash into Laval daycare that killed two children ▶1:08
Preliminary hearing for accused in Laval daycare fatal bus crash ▶2:04
Daycare bus crash a 'nightmare,' says mayor of Laval, Que. ▶4:49
One year since deadly bus crash into Laval daycare ▶1:54
Laval daycare bus crash: Community unites in support of victims’ families ▶1:42
Bus removed, building boarded up following deadly crash in Laval ▶2:07
Laval parents, daycare workers mark anniversary of fatal bus crash ▶2:06
Laval parents, daycare workers mark anniversary of fatal bus crash ▶3:19
Witnesses reflect a year after fatal Laval daycare bus crash ▶0:27
Parents mourn daughter killed in Laval daycare bus crash ▶14:20
Laval daycare bus crash: Legault tells community "we are with you" during visit to crash site ▶2:34
Parent remembers tragic Laval daycare bus crash a year ago ▶2:21
Bus driver arrested in Quebec daycare crash faces 9 charges ▶1:03
Laval daycare bus crash: Questions persist about driver’s motivation, mental health ▶2:05
2 children killed, 6 injured after bus crashes into Quebec daycare ▶1:54
Preliminary hearing for accused in Laval daycare fatal bus crash ▶2:49
2 Children Dead After Bus Crashes Into Daycare ▶1:23
Mass held to honour victims of Laval daycare bus crash ▶1:37
Accused in Laval daycare fatal bus crash will stand trial ▶2:20
Laval daycare bus crash: What we know so far about the accused ▶0:53
Laval daycare bus crash: Community unites in support of victims’ families ▶1:29
Parents mourn daughter killed in Laval daycare bus crash ▶1:50
Bus drivers honour victims of Laval daycare bus crash ▶1:59
Laval bus driver charged in fatal daycare crash found fit to stand trial ▶1:59
Accused in Laval daycare fatal bus crash will stand trial ▶0:26
Parent describes 'chaos' of Laval daycare bus crash aftermath ▶2:00
House of Commons observes moment of silence for victims of Laval daycare bus crash ▶1:37
Laval daycare crash: Preliminary hearing begins ▶2:00
Mass held to honour victims of Laval daycare bus crash ▶1:26
Laval daycare crash case postponed ▶1:09
Bus driver involved in deadly Quebec daycare crash ordered to stand trial ▶0:27
Mass held to honour victims of Laval daycare bus crash ▶2:24
Laval bus driver charged in fatal daycare crash found fit to stand trial ▶2:44
Bus removed, building boarded up following deadly crash in Laval ▶1:48
Community mourns victims of Laval daycare bus crash ▶1:57
One year since deadly bus crash into Laval daycare ▶1:29
Bus driver ordered to stand trial in daycare crash ▶1:58
Laval daycare bus crash: What we know about Pierre Ny St-Amand, the arrested driver ▶1:57
Laval daycare bus crash: What we know about Pierre Ny St-Amand, the arrested driver - The Global Herald ▶3:03
Parent remembers tragic Laval daycare bus crash a year ago ▶1:00
1 year later: Laval bus crash ▶15:21
One year later: Parents, first responders on coping with trauma after deadly Laval daycare bus crash ▶1:58
Funeral held for boy killed in Laval daycare bus crash ▶2:41
Trudeau sends condolences to Laval parents, family after bus crashes into daycare ▶4:14
Accused in Laval daycare crash back in court ▶0:55
Politicians gather at site of Quebec daycare bus crash ▶1:28
House of Commons observes moment of silence for victims of Laval daycare bus crash ▶2:43
Family remembers 5-year-old Laval bus crash victim ▶0:18
Politicians gather at site of Quebec daycare bus crash ▶5:25
Laval bus driver accused in daycare deaths not criminally responsible | Crown ▶2:34
Family members struggle to find words after service ▶1:41
Laval, Que., church hosts vigil near site of daycare crash ▶1:31
Family remembers 5-year-old Laval bus crash victim ▶14:20
One year since bus crashed into Laval daycare, killed two children ▶21:57
Update from Laval bus crash ▶2:04
Laval bus driver faces nine charges ▶0:51
Laval mayor on bus crash ▶2:05
Laval bus driver charged in daycare crash will undergo psychiatric evaluation ▶0:33
Victims of Laval daycare bus crash honoured with memorial ▶18:33
Quebec Premier François Legault on Laval bus crash ▶2:18
Laval daycare bus attack driver remains at Pinel psychiatric institute ▶4:23
What we know about the bus crash in Laval ▶2:23
What we know about the bus crash into a daycare in Quebec ▶4:17
Court case for accused in Laval daycare bus crash postponed ▶3:07
Community left shaken after fatal daycare bus crash in Laval ▶2:10:45
Laval daycare bus attack: demands for better victim compensation ▶1:53
Laval daycare crash | Update from Quebec Premier Legault ▶1:16
Bus driver arrested in Quebec daycare crash faces 9 charges ▶2:22
Two children dead, driver arrested after city bus crashes into Quebec daycare ▶4:36
Global National: Feb. 8, 2023 | Driver accused of deliberately ramming bus into Quebec daycare ▶1:40
Funeral held for 4 year-old Jacob Gauthier killed in Laval daycare crash ▶0:16
Bus driver arrested after crash into daycare in Quebec ▶2:33
Laval daycare bus attack driver deemed fit to stand trial ▶3:23
Quebec daycare crash: Command post in Laval offers support, counselling to grieving residents ▶1:30
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau attends vigil for fatal Laval, Quebec bus crash *shorts ▶4:18
Sophie Delezio survives horror daycare car crash | 60 Minutes Australia ▶6:58
Student and teacher killed, dozens injured in New Jersey school bus crash ▶1:55
Dramatic video of VTA bus crash, car driver asks why his fault? ▶
Quebec bus crash: What we know about the driver | CTV National News ▶
Laval crash: Two children dead, six in hospital ▶
2 children killed after bus crashes into Quebec daycare ▶
Quebec daycare crash | CBC News special coverage ▶
Man faces 1st-degree murder charges in Quebec daycare crash ▶
Trudeau attends vigil in honour of victims of fatal Quebec daycare bus crash ▶
Vigil held for the victims of the Laval city bus crash ▶
Driver accused of deliberately ramming bus into Quebec daycare ▶
Two dead, driver arrested in Laval crash ▶
Preliminary hearing next week for man in alleged Laval bus attack ▶
Laval bus removed from daycare ▶
Laval daycare crash: Reverend who baptized child officiates his funeral ▶
Quebec Daycare Bus Crash: Sending Prayers to the Injured Children ▶
Quebec community mourns children killed after bus crashes into daycare ▶
Quebec fatal bus crash: Driver charged with murder, will undergo psychiatric evaluation ▶
House of Commons: moment of silence for victims of Laval daycare crash ▶
Quebec daycare crash | Two children dead, six in hospital ▶
Quebec daycare crash | Police say person had nervous breakdown ▶
Doggie School Bus picks up pups for 'school' ▶


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