cUrl error (*45): bind failed with errno 99: Cannot assign requested address
【永遠のバンディエラ】フランチェスコ・トッティ ゴール集 1996-2016 ▶8:07
【永遠のバンディエラ】フランチェスコ・トッティ ゴール集 1996-2016 ▶17:51
【藤田嗣治】フランスに愛された画家|フランス政府公認ガイドと巡るフジタの足跡1 (パリ編)|いこいこ気になる旅! ▶2:25
【藤田嗣治】フランスに愛された画家|フランス政府公認ガイドと巡るフジタの足跡1 (パリ編)|いこいこ気になる旅! ▶3:32
『フレンチ・ディスパッチ ザ・リバティ、カンザス・イヴニング・サン別冊』予告編 ▶2:01
『フレンチ・ディスパッチ ザ・リバティ、カンザス・イヴニング・サン別冊』予告編 ▶2:56
フィレンツェの穴場スポット「パッツィ家の礼拝堂」は、サンタクローチェ教会の外にあります ▶12:29
フィレンツェの穴場スポット「パッツィ家の礼拝堂」は、サンタクローチェ教会の外にあります ▶0:32
Fábrica Susin Francescutti 2023 ▶31:58
Histórico da Susin Francescutti ▶22:27
How One of France's Oldest Butter Producers Makes 380 Tons Per Year— Vendors ▶12:57
How One of France's Oldest Butter Producers Makes 380 Tons Per Year— Vendors ▶17:43
『フレンチ・ディスパッチ』ストーリー予告(宣言書の改訂 編) ▶15:52
【🥦パスタ】イタリア フィレンツェ在住30年 現地シェフ TOSHIがつくる 絶品ブロッコリーのパスタ〜Florence in Italy Spagherri coi broccoli Accadi ▶13:54
【🥦パスタ】イタリア フィレンツェ在住30年 現地シェフ TOSHIがつくる 絶品ブロッコリーのパスタ〜Florence in Italy Spagherri coi broccoli Accadi ▶15:32
【秋の旨い】イタリア フィレンツェ 秋のキャンティ 美味しい旅行1泊2日〜Firenze in Italy Chianti Winery trip 〜 ▶10:08
【秋の旨い】イタリア フィレンツェ 秋のキャンティ 美味しい旅行1泊2日〜Firenze in Italy Chianti Winery trip 〜 ▶27:03
【フィレンツェ居酒屋】イタリア 仕事終わり どこで呑む?キャンティ・クラシコ試飲会編〜Florence in Italy What do you drink after work〜 ▶15:19
【フィレンツェ居酒屋】イタリア 仕事終わり どこで呑む?キャンティ・クラシコ試飲会編〜Florence in Italy What do you drink after work〜 ▶13:47
How One of LA's Best Chefs Runs a Two-Michelin-Star Wild Fish Restaurant — Mise En Place ▶13:06
How One of LA's Best Chefs Runs a Two-Michelin-Star Wild Fish Restaurant — Mise En Place ▶13:27
How One of the Country’s Best Chefs Runs Two-Michelin-Starred Ever in Chicago – Mise En Place ▶7:02
How One of the Country’s Best Chefs Runs Two-Michelin-Starred Ever in Chicago – Mise En Place ▶3:31
How a Master Chef Runs a Two-Michelin-Star Alsatian Restaurant in New York — Mise En Place ▶12:14
How a Master Chef Runs a Two-Michelin-Star Alsatian Restaurant in New York — Mise En Place ▶14:03
How the Largest Lobster Company in Maine Processes Over 600,000 Pounds per Week — Vendors ▶14:55
How the Largest Lobster Company in Maine Processes Over 600,000 Pounds per Week — Vendors ▶3:35
How a High-End Chocolate Factory Has Supplied Restaurants for Over 150 Years — Vendors ▶15:38
How a High-End Chocolate Factory Has Supplied Restaurants for Over 150 Years — Vendors ▶14:33
What It Takes to Win the World's Largest BBQ Competition — Smoke Point: The Competition ▶8:33
What It Takes to Win the World's Largest BBQ Competition — Smoke Point: The Competition ▶8:36
How a Denver Distillery Uses a One-of-a-Kind Process to Make Their $250 Whiskey — Vendors ▶14:59
How a Denver Distillery Uses a One-of-a-Kind Process to Make Their $250 Whiskey — Vendors ▶21:36
How White Oak Pastures Produces the Best Lamb in Georgia — Vendors ▶16:03
How White Oak Pastures Produces the Best Lamb in Georgia — Vendors ▶26:14
How One of the Largest and Most Expensive Clams Is Farmed — Vendors ▶16:05
How One of the Largest and Most Expensive Clams Is Farmed — Vendors ▶1:19
The Secrets Behind New York's Best Bagel — Handmade ▶14:10
Melanoma – Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy | Roswell Park Patient Education ▶14:35
Melanoma – Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy | Roswell Park Patient Education ▶10:37
Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center ▶10:19
『フレンチ・ディスパッチ』特別映像(Table setter編) ▶11:49
How a 5-Star London Hotel Prepares the Most Iconic Afternoon Tea Service — Clocking In ▶2:46
How a 5-Star London Hotel Prepares the Most Iconic Afternoon Tea Service — Clocking In ▶3:49
Why One of the Best Restaurants in America Buys Its Oysters From the McIntosh Family — Vendors ▶3:06
Why One of the Best Restaurants in America Buys Its Oysters From the McIntosh Family — Vendors ▶2:28
【世界史】フランス革命時の政体の変遷をわかりやすく解説してみた【フランス革命】 ▶0:49
【世界史】フランス革命時の政体の変遷をわかりやすく解説してみた【フランス革命】 ▶14:24
関西の大学受験予備校 現役高校生対象 研伸館オンラインチャンネル【授業動画・最新入試情報・勉強法】 ▶14:02
Adeste Fidelis ▶0:49
How the NY Cooperage Makes Up to 100 Whiskey Barrels a Week — Handmade ▶15:53
How the NY Cooperage Makes Up to 100 Whiskey Barrels a Week — Handmade ▶11:39
How Soy Sauce Has Been Made in Japan for Over 220 Years — Handmade ▶3:04
How Soy Sauce Has Been Made in Japan for Over 220 Years — Handmade ▶7:43
How 2,000 Tons Of Dijon Mustard Are Made Each Year In France — Vendors ▶1:08:14
How 2,000 Tons Of Dijon Mustard Are Made Each Year In France — Vendors ▶11:30
How LA's Honey's Kettle Has Been Perfecting Fried Chicken for 40 Years — The Experts ▶29:08
How LA's Honey's Kettle Has Been Perfecting Fried Chicken for 40 Years — The Experts ▶13:37
The Risk and Reward Behind Finding the Most Interesting Mushrooms in the Woods — Vendors ▶11:53
The Risk and Reward Behind Finding the Most Interesting Mushrooms in the Woods — Vendors ▶6:56
Update in Melanoma Surgery by Dr. Francescutti ▶1:33
The Best Burger in NYC Is at Rolo's in Queens — Smoke Point ▶9:59
The Best Burger in NYC Is at Rolo's in Queens — Smoke Point ▶23:30
Sonia Bruganelli e Paolo Bonolis: «Separati, ma più uniti che mai» | Vanity Fair Italia ▶2:05
Sonia Bruganelli e Paolo Bonolis: «Separati, ma più uniti che mai» | Vanity Fair Italia ▶4:56
How a Michelin-Starred Restaurant Processes 100 Pounds of Dry-Aged Fish Per Day — Mise En Place ▶18:59
How a Michelin-Starred Restaurant Processes 100 Pounds of Dry-Aged Fish Per Day — Mise En Place ▶16:19
A história do empresário João Francescutti com o SENAI começa em 1945. Com muito estudo na área mecânica e toda a experiência obtida ao longo dos anos, consolidou uma carreira profissional de grandes conquistas. O sr. João viu o SENAI contribuir com o desenvolvimento da indústria de Caxias do Sul por meio da educação profissional. Para aprimorar ainda mais a experiência dos estudantes, fez a doação de dois Fuscas que hoje colaboram com o ensino prático na área automotiva, possibilitando o acesso ▶11:49
A história do empresário João Francescutti com o SENAI começa em 1945. Com muito estudo na área mecânica e toda a experiência obtida ao longo dos anos, consolidou uma carreira profissional de grandes conquistas. O sr. João viu o SENAI contribuir com o desenvolvimento da indústria de Caxias do Sul por meio da educação profissional. Para aprimorar ainda mais a experiência dos estudantes, fez a doação de dois Fuscas que hoje colaboram com o ensino prático na área automotiva, possibilitando o acesso ▶11:47
How Miami’s Chocolate Master Creates the Perfect Bar of Chocolate — Handmade ▶14:24
How Miami’s Chocolate Master Creates the Perfect Bar of Chocolate — Handmade ▶11:10
How a Brewmaster Created a Sumac Beer People Are Obsessed With — Vendors ▶11:30
How a Brewmaster Created a Sumac Beer People Are Obsessed With — Vendors ▶14:56
How Brown Butter Salted Caramel Doughnuts Became One of New York’s Most Popular Pastries — Handmade ▶14:59
How Brown Butter Salted Caramel Doughnuts Became One of New York’s Most Popular Pastries — Handmade ▶8:52
Canada's forgotten internment: Hundreds of Italians sent to camps during WWII ▶1:27
Canada's forgotten internment: Hundreds of Italians sent to camps during WWII ▶2:48
How a 77-Year-Old Indonesian Chef Cooks 300 Lunches Every Day — The Experts ▶13:24
How a 77-Year-Old Indonesian Chef Cooks 300 Lunches Every Day — The Experts ▶13:52
How 60,000 Metric Tons of Salt Are Harvested from One of the World’s Saltiest Lakes — Handmade ▶1:48
How 60,000 Metric Tons of Salt Are Harvested from One of the World’s Saltiest Lakes — Handmade ▶6:01
La huella (atuendo de campaña) ▶0:18
A passion for public health ▶1:01
Manual motor antigo Susin Francescutti SF-16/18 ▶18:59
El marote chaqueño ▶1:36
Mark Francescutti vs Justin Overton ▶1:42
Garissa, Kenya - Distant Libraries of the World ▶12:31
Life is simple - so why do we screw it up? | Dr. Louis Francescutti | TEDxEdmonton ▶10:26
Life is simple - so why do we screw it up? | Dr. Louis Francescutti | TEDxEdmonton ▶6:09
Why All the Best Cocktail Bars in NYC Buy Their Ice From Richard Boccato— Vendors ▶17:28
Why All the Best Cocktail Bars in NYC Buy Their Ice From Richard Boccato— Vendors ▶37:36
Amazon River, Peru - Distant Libraries of the World ▶15:21
How Master Chef Mike Solomonov Runs One of Philadelphia's Most Legendary Restaurants — Mise En Place ▶17:07
How Master Chef Mike Solomonov Runs One of Philadelphia's Most Legendary Restaurants — Mise En Place ▶7:39
How a Former Rocket Scientist Makes the Best Copper Pots in America — Handmade ▶11:54
How a Former Rocket Scientist Makes the Best Copper Pots in America — Handmade ▶15:16
Dr. Francescutti Discusses the Utility of Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy ▶3:43
Dr. Francescutti Discusses the Utility of Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy ▶11:58
How Chef Wolfgang Puck Serves 25,000 Dishes at The Oscars Every Year — Mise En Place ▶12:49
How Chef Wolfgang Puck Serves 25,000 Dishes at The Oscars Every Year — Mise En Place ▶12:41
【暴走美術館12】「フィレンツェの申し子」サンドロ・ボッティチェリ。後編ではフィレンツェと盛衰を共にしたボッティチェリの知られざる「衰」の部分をご紹介。 ▶9:58
【暴走美術館12】「フィレンツェの申し子」サンドロ・ボッティチェリ。後編ではフィレンツェと盛衰を共にしたボッティチェリの知られざる「衰」の部分をご紹介。 ▶5:55
Vol.3 後編『フランチャコルタ(Franciacorta) / ヴィッラ(Villa)、ディチャセッテウノ(1701)、マリオ・ガッタ(Mario Gatta)飲み比べ』イタリアワイン飲み比べ ▶6:35
Vol.3 後編『フランチャコルタ(Franciacorta) / ヴィッラ(Villa)、ディチャセッテウノ(1701)、マリオ・ガッタ(Mario Gatta)飲み比べ』イタリアワイン飲み比べ ▶
【保存版👍】イタリア 在住30年 現地シェフ TOSHIがつくる 自家製もちもちニョッキ〜Florence in Italy Home made Gnocchi al Ragù Accadi〜 ▶
【保存版👍】イタリア 在住30年 現地シェフ TOSHIがつくる 自家製もちもちニョッキ〜Florence in Italy Home made Gnocchi al Ragù Accadi〜 ▶
The Techniques Behind Harvesting the Best Clams on the West Coast — Vendors ▶
The Techniques Behind Harvesting the Best Clams on the West Coast — Vendors ▶
How Bermuda Fishermen Are Leading the Fight Against Venomous Lionfish — Vendors ▶
How Bermuda Fishermen Are Leading the Fight Against Venomous Lionfish — Vendors ▶
Montagem e limpeza Virabrequim Susin Francescutti. ▶
Montagem e limpeza Virabrequim Susin Francescutti. ▶
Dicas técnicas Susin Francescutti - Como verificar o empenamento do Virabrequim ▶
Dicas técnicas Susin Francescutti - Como verificar o empenamento do Virabrequim ▶
How the Finest Tofu in America is Handmade Every Day — Handmade ▶
How the Finest Tofu in America is Handmade Every Day — Handmade ▶
Everything You Need to Know About the Weird World of Competition BBQ — Smoke Point: The Competition ▶
Everything You Need to Know About the Weird World of Competition BBQ — Smoke Point: The Competition ▶
Penicillin shortage ▶
Reportagem em Canoa Quebrada "Ano 1985" ▶
*389『ズッキーニのファルシグラタン』野菜、きのこ、雑穀など具沢山に!|シェフ三國の簡単レシピ ▶
*389『ズッキーニのファルシグラタン』野菜、きのこ、雑穀など具沢山に!|シェフ三國の簡単レシピ ▶
Vol.23 ep.1『Franciacorta|フランチャコルタ / イタリアワイン飲み比べ』 ▶
Vol.23 ep.1『Franciacorta|フランチャコルタ / イタリアワイン飲み比べ』 ▶
How One of the World's Biggest Mozzarella Distributers Makes its Cheese — Vendors ▶
How One of the World's Biggest Mozzarella Distributers Makes its Cheese — Vendors ▶
How Cast Iron Pans Are Made by Hand at Borough Furnace — Handmade ▶
How Cast Iron Pans Are Made by Hand at Borough Furnace — Handmade ▶
Why Forging Damascus Steel Knives Takes Years to Master — Handmade ▶
Why Forging Damascus Steel Knives Takes Years to Master — Handmade ▶
How Fisherman Delvin Bean Has Been Catching Bermuda’s Best Lobsters for Over 30 Years — Vendors ▶
How Fisherman Delvin Bean Has Been Catching Bermuda’s Best Lobsters for Over 30 Years — Vendors ▶
How Master Chef Yasu Tanaka Makes Sea Urchin Risotto — Omakase ▶
How Master Chef Yasu Tanaka Makes Sea Urchin Risotto — Omakase ▶
How One of New York's Favorite Taco Spots Built its Own Tortilla Factory — Vendors ▶
How One of New York's Favorite Taco Spots Built its Own Tortilla Factory — Vendors ▶
How Master Brewer James Jin Brought Premium Sake Back to California — Handmade ▶
How Master Brewer James Jin Brought Premium Sake Back to California — Handmade ▶
How Tamales Are Made at One of NYC's Favorite Puebla Tamal Shops — Handmade ▶
How Tamales Are Made at One of NYC's Favorite Puebla Tamal Shops — Handmade ▶
From The Archives: Lawn darts get tossed from store shelves ▶
『フレンチ・ディスパッチ』特別映像( Bill Murrayi 編) ▶
How to Make the Southern Classic Boudin Sausage — Prime Time ▶
How to Make the Southern Classic Boudin Sausage — Prime Time ▶
How a Legendary Dim Sum Restaurant Turns a King Crab Into 8 Dishes — The Experts ▶
How a Legendary Dim Sum Restaurant Turns a King Crab Into 8 Dishes — The Experts ▶
【ベリッシモtv】 *13 『アンチョビ・パスタ』の作り方。テレビでお馴染み、あの料理研究家ベリッシモ・フランチェスコが教える一品でパワーを付けろ!料理を楽しみながら最高の人生に! ▶
【ベリッシモtv】 *13 『アンチョビ・パスタ』の作り方。テレビでお馴染み、あの料理研究家ベリッシモ・フランチェスコが教える一品でパワーを付けろ!料理を楽しみながら最高の人生に! ▶
Vôlei da Geografia - Marta Francescutti ▶
フレンチノットステッチのやり方 ~フランス刺繍の基本~ ▶
How Chef Matt Bernero Runs an Iconic British Steakhouse in New York City — Clocking In ▶
How Chef Matt Bernero Runs an Iconic British Steakhouse in New York City — Clocking In ▶
フェラーリ F12ベルリネッタ 国内受注開始 Ferrari F12 berlinetta ▶
フェラーリ F12ベルリネッタ 国内受注開始 Ferrari F12 berlinetta ▶
Alberta’s yo-yoing temperatures a literal headache for many ▶
Alberta’s yo-yoing temperatures a literal headache for many ▶
Chef Hitoshi Umamichi is One of Japan's Gyoza Masters — The Experts ▶
Chef Hitoshi Umamichi is One of Japan's Gyoza Masters — The Experts ▶
【ファシスト党の台頭から独裁者へ】ペニート・ムッソリーニの生涯【偉人解説】 ▶
【ファシスト党の台頭から独裁者へ】ペニート・ムッソリーニの生涯【偉人解説】 ▶
G.Donizetti / Flute sonata〜ドニゼッティ フルートソナタ ▶
【クリスマスホリデー🎄inローマ🇮🇹来た!見た!食べた!イタリア大好き日仏家族の旅日記 Part 2〜チネチッタ|ヴァチカン美術館|お土産探し〜】 ▶
【クリスマスホリデー🎄inローマ🇮🇹来た!見た!食べた!イタリア大好き日仏家族の旅日記 Part 2〜チネチッタ|ヴァチカン美術館|お土産探し〜】 ▶
月曜シェフ塾 珠玉のテリーヌ&パテを学ぼう 松澤 直紀 シェフ ▶
月曜シェフ塾 珠玉のテリーヌ&パテを学ぼう 松澤 直紀 シェフ ▶
One of Japan’s Best Sushi Masters Is Making His Mark on NYC — Omakase ▶
One of Japan’s Best Sushi Masters Is Making His Mark on NYC — Omakase ▶
How a Gochujang Master Perfected a 100-Year-Old Recipe — The Experts ▶
How a Gochujang Master Perfected a 100-Year-Old Recipe — The Experts ▶
How a Master Chef Catches Thailand’s Giant River Prawns for an Ancient Thai Dish — Made in Thailand ▶
How a Master Chef Catches Thailand’s Giant River Prawns for an Ancient Thai Dish — Made in Thailand ▶
How Una Pizza Napoletana Became the No. 1 Ranked Pizza in the World — Handmade ▶
How Una Pizza Napoletana Became the No. 1 Ranked Pizza in the World — Handmade ▶
Francesco Bissolotti (1929~2019) Cello Cremona 2016 ▶
Francesco Bissolotti (1929~2019) Cello Cremona 2016 ▶
New Orleans-Style Backyard Duck Roast with Chef Isaac Toups — Prime Time ▶
New Orleans-Style Backyard Duck Roast with Chef Isaac Toups — Prime Time ▶
How Chef Atsushi Kono Makes Chicken Skewers From Wings to Testicles — Smoke Point ▶
How Chef Atsushi Kono Makes Chicken Skewers From Wings to Testicles — Smoke Point ▶
How a Master Sushi Chef Creates the Perfect Japanese Omelette: Tamago — Omakase ▶
How a Master Sushi Chef Creates the Perfect Japanese Omelette: Tamago — Omakase ▶
How Legendary NY Steakhouse Peter Luger Makes the Perfect Steak — Plateworthy with Nyesha Arrington ▶
How Legendary NY Steakhouse Peter Luger Makes the Perfect Steak — Plateworthy with Nyesha Arrington ▶
Grilling a Giant Pacific Red Octopus — Deep Dive ▶
Ariete rivela cosa custodisce nella sua borsa | In The Bag | Vogue Italia ▶
Ariete rivela cosa custodisce nella sua borsa | In The Bag | Vogue Italia ▶


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