Topological Quantum Field Theory and the Cobordism Hypothesis -- Part 1 ▶54:30・
Topological Quantum Field Theory and the Cobordism Hypothesis -- Part 1 ▶1:20:20・
Topological Quantum Field Theory and the Cobordism Hypothesis -- Part 4 ▶53:40・
Topological Quantum Field Theory and the Cobordism Hypothesis -- Part 4 ▶1:04:53・
Oscar Randal-Williams - Cobordism and Spaces of Manifolds ▶10:06・
Lagrangian cobordism: what we know and what is it good for - Octav Cornea ▶28:12・
Lagrangian cobordism: what we know and what is it good for - Octav Cornea ▶1:02:01・
What is...the h-cobordism theorem? ▶1:11:27・
The Lagrangian cobordism group of Weinstein manifolds - Valentin Bosshard ▶49:04・
The Lagrangian cobordism group of Weinstein manifolds - Valentin Bosshard ▶1:12:19・
Dehn Twists Exact Sequences Through Lagrangian Cobordism - Weiwei Wu ▶1:15:06・
Dehn Twists Exact Sequences Through Lagrangian Cobordism - Weiwei Wu ▶1:43:35・
Algebraic Topology July 2016 Uchicago Cobordism 1 (Inna Zakharevich) ▶12:51・
Algebraic Topology July 2016 Uchicago Cobordism 1 (Inna Zakharevich) ▶59:19・
Ralph Blumenhagen - K-theory and Cobordism ▶1:02:11・
Morgan Lecture 3: H-cobordism Theorem, Part I. ▶44:24・
Complex cobordism and Hamiltonian fibrations - Mohammed Abouzaid ▶48:20・
Complex cobordism and Hamiltonian fibrations - Mohammed Abouzaid ▶1:56:01・
Michael Freedman: 4-manifolds circa 1974: surgery and h-cobordism, finding dual spheres (Lecture 6) ▶7:49・
Michael Freedman: 4-manifolds circa 1974: surgery and h-cobordism, finding dual spheres (Lecture 6) ▶1:17:34・
The homology cobordism group - Linh Truong ▶29:09・
On the Lagrangian cobordism relation on Legendrian links -Joshua Sabloff ▶19:17・
On the Lagrangian cobordism relation on Legendrian links -Joshua Sabloff ▶12:26・
Lukasz Fidkowski - Symmetry Protected Topological phases, cobordism, and QCA - IPAM at UCLA ▶20:45・
Lukasz Fidkowski - Symmetry Protected Topological phases, cobordism, and QCA - IPAM at UCLA ▶48:38・
Jennifer Hom: Homology cobordism and Heegaard Floer homology ▶10:47・
"Nullifying Cobordism in Quantum Gravity", talk by Ralph Blumenhagen at CQTS @ NYU Abu Dhabi ▶1:09:04・
"Nullifying Cobordism in Quantum Gravity", talk by Ralph Blumenhagen at CQTS @ NYU Abu Dhabi ▶1:00:36・
【YMSC】QFT Lecture 1 Category&Cobordism 20230919 ▶9:05・
TQFT's and Frobenius Algebras (*SoME3) ▶1:49:31・
Dmitri Pavlov: Differential Cohomology and Smooth Topological Field Theories ▶1:58:01・
Dmitri Pavlov: Differential Cohomology and Smooth Topological Field Theories ▶31:40・
Algebraic topology: Introduction ▶15:54・
What is...a category? ▶46:26・
What are...knots? ▶1:11:30・
What are...diagram algebras? ▶39:48・
Homology cobordism and triangulations – Ciprian Manolescu – ICM2018 ▶30:39・
Homology cobordism and triangulations – Ciprian Manolescu – ICM2018 ▶1:33:39・
What are...TQFTs? ▶1:11:23・
Gromov-Witten Invariants and Complex Cobordism - Shaoyun Bai ▶51:15・
Juven Wang - Open Problems in Physics and Novel Solutions from Math @ Harvard CMSA/12/08/2023 ▶12:02・
Juven Wang - Open Problems in Physics and Novel Solutions from Math @ Harvard CMSA/12/08/2023 ▶57:29・
What is...a handle decomposition? ▶18:19・
Anton Kapustin - 2/3 Topological Phases of Quantum Lattice Systems and Higher Berry Classes ▶14:24・
Anton Kapustin - 2/3 Topological Phases of Quantum Lattice Systems and Higher Berry Classes ▶1:22:25・
Mikhail Gromov - 2/4 Old, New and Unknown around Scalar Curvature ▶1:15:52・
An Accidental Mathematician: Conversations with Professor M S Raghunathan: Episode Three ▶0:37・
An Accidental Mathematician: Conversations with Professor M S Raghunathan: Episode Three ▶0:42・
What are...Frobenius algebras and 2d TQFTs? ▶1:02:59・
Cobordism of Spaces an Maps Smooth an Singular cases (Jean Paul Brasselet) ▶28:12・
Cobordism of Spaces an Maps Smooth an Singular cases (Jean Paul Brasselet) ▶1:11:27・
Chris Schommer-Pries: Dualizability in Low Dimensional Higher Category Theory (Part 2) ▶51:24・
Chris Schommer-Pries: Dualizability in Low Dimensional Higher Category Theory (Part 2) ▶1:09:53・
The WIRED Guide to Quantum Computing ▶11:59・
(GT)^2- Songqi Han- Parametrised h-cobordism theorem for smooth manifolds with tangential structures ▶0:58・
(GT)^2- Songqi Han- Parametrised h-cobordism theorem for smooth manifolds with tangential structures ▶14:04・
Jake McNamara: Cobordism and a Modified Gauss Law ▶33:26・
Anton Kapustin - 1/3 Topological Phases of Quantum Lattice Systems and Higher Berry Classes ▶1:01:40・
Anton Kapustin - 1/3 Topological Phases of Quantum Lattice Systems and Higher Berry Classes ▶33:26・
Detecting non-trivial elements in the spaces of Legendrian knots via Algebraic...- Yakov Eliashberg ▶1:22:44・
Detecting non-trivial elements in the spaces of Legendrian knots via Algebraic...- Yakov Eliashberg ▶27:25・
Dennis Sullivan - The geometric ideas of René Thom related to manifolds with singularities ▶28:45・
Dennis Sullivan - The geometric ideas of René Thom related to manifolds with singularities ▶45:28・
What is...the Alexander polynomial? ▶9:59・
Projective Dehn twist via Lagrangian cobordism - Cheuk Yu Mak ▶50:09・
Projective Dehn twist via Lagrangian cobordism - Cheuk Yu Mak ▶9:38・
Thought Experiment And Paradox Iceberg EXPLAINED - Part 2/2 ▶22:34・
What is...braid group cryptography? ▶33:26・
Chris Schommer-Pries: Dualizability in Low Dimensional Higher Category Theory (Part 1) ▶50:30・
Chris Schommer-Pries: Dualizability in Low Dimensional Higher Category Theory (Part 1) ▶28:25・
Mark McLean:Complex cobordism, Hamiltonian loops and Global Kuranishi charts ▶26:06・
Mark McLean:Complex cobordism, Hamiltonian loops and Global Kuranishi charts ▶11:06・
Cobordism Meaning ▶1:13:51・
Open-closed cobordism 1 ▶36:33・
Inna Zakharevich|Cobordism 2 ▶48:38・
Valentin Bosshard:The Lagrangian cobordism group of Weinstein manifolds ▶1:08・
Valentin Bosshard:The Lagrangian cobordism group of Weinstein manifolds ▶14:35・
Inna Zakharevich|Cobordism 1 ▶1:17:36・
Claire Voisin: On the cobordism classes of hyper-kahler manifolds with summary ▶14:20・
Claire Voisin: On the cobordism classes of hyper-kahler manifolds with summary ▶10:11・
Ed Witten -- From Gauge Theory to Khovanov Homology Via Floer Theory ▶1:05:11・
Ed Witten -- From Gauge Theory to Khovanov Homology Via Floer Theory ▶23:26・
What is...the h-cobordism theorem in action? ▶3:33・
What is Communitarianism?, Explain Communitarianism, Define Communitarianism ▶1:13:14・
What is Communitarianism?, Explain Communitarianism, Define Communitarianism ▶4:15・
What are...knots and DNA? ▶1:37:50・
Søren Galatius:Cobordism theory——2.1 ▶1:51:56・
Yi-Zhuang You - Colloquium: Symmetric Mass Generation @ UCSD 11/30/2023 ▶10:29・
Yi-Zhuang You - Colloquium: Symmetric Mass Generation @ UCSD 11/30/2023 ▶48:11・
Søren Galatius:Cobordism theory——1.1 ▶11:26・
Topological Quantum Field Theory and the Cobordism Hypothesis -- Part 3 ▶19:07・
Topological Quantum Field Theory and the Cobordism Hypothesis -- Part 3 ▶5:00:39・
Søren Galatius:Cobordism theory——2.2 ▶47:44・
Søren Galatius:Cobordism theory——1.2 ▶7:51・
Jesse Cohen - Composition, dg-modules, and cobordism maps ▶50:59・
What is...the knot determinant? ▶1:49:39・
"Correspondence between automata and 1d Boolean TQFTs", talk by Mee Seong Im at "QFT and Cobordism" ▶24:30・
"Correspondence between automata and 1d Boolean TQFTs", talk by Mee Seong Im at "QFT and Cobordism" ▶1:23:18・
What is...Dehn surgery? ▶11:14・
The Cobordism Exhibition ▶12:41・
Søren Galatius:Cobordism theory——3.1 ▶10:58・
"The stringor bundle", talk by Konrad Waldorf at "QFT and Cobordism" at CQTS @ NYU Abu Dhabi ▶1:15:07・
"The stringor bundle", talk by Konrad Waldorf at "QFT and Cobordism" at CQTS @ NYU Abu Dhabi ▶48:08・
Søren Galatius:Cobordism theory——3.2 ▶48:05・
Søren Galatius:Cobordism theory——4.2 ▶・
K-Theory Part 0 - Introduction to K-Theory ▶・
【HSE】An Introduction to Cobordism Theory 配边理论 ▶・
K-Theory Part 1 - Group and its actions ▶・
ICM2018 Ciprian Manolescu:Homology cobordism and triangulations ▶・
ICM2018 Ciprian Manolescu:Homology cobordism and triangulations ▶・
Coloring by topology ▶・
クラウゼヴィッツの「三位一体論」を実際に応用・活用してみた。|地政学者・奥山真司の「アメリカ通信」 ▶・
クラウゼヴィッツの「三位一体論」を実際に応用・活用してみた。|地政学者・奥山真司の「アメリカ通信」 ▶・
小原克博「イスラームの誕生と発展」(講義「一神教研究」第6回、同志社大学) ▶・
小原克博「イスラームの誕生と発展」(講義「一神教研究」第6回、同志社大学) ▶・
高校倫理〜西洋思想⑪〜 実証主義・進化論・プラグマティズム【コント・スペンサー・ダーウィン】 ▶・
高校倫理〜西洋思想⑪〜 実証主義・進化論・プラグマティズム【コント・スペンサー・ダーウィン】 ▶・
What are...words for surfaces? ▶・
Emmy Murphy: Existence of Liouville structures on cobordisms ▶・
Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques ▶・
An Accidental Mathematician: Conversations with Professor M S Raghunathan:Episode Four ▶・
An Accidental Mathematician: Conversations with Professor M S Raghunathan:Episode Four ▶・
3分でわかる「文化によるコンテキストの高低差」 ▶・
小原克博「一神教とその世界を学ぶ」(講義「一神教研究」第1回、同志社大学) ▶・
小原克博「一神教とその世界を学ぶ」(講義「一神教研究」第1回、同志社大学) ▶・
奥山真司のクラウゼヴィッツ『戦争論』講座CD|世界基準の戦略講座CD ▶・
David Ben-Zvi: Geometric Langlands correspondence and topological field theory - Part 1 ▶・
David Ben-Zvi: Geometric Langlands correspondence and topological field theory - Part 1 ▶・
Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques ▶・
Mikhail Gromov - 4/4 Old, New and Unknown around Scalar Curvature ▶・
続・コレグジット!日本が知っておくべき、韓国の異常な行動の背景とは?|奥山真司の地政学「アメリカ通信」 ▶・
続・コレグジット!日本が知っておくべき、韓国の異常な行動の背景とは?|奥山真司の地政学「アメリカ通信」 ▶・
Cobordism maps without transversality ▶・
What are...lens spaces? ▶・
Classifying (quasi-)smooth varieties up to cobordism - Toni Mikael Annala ▶・
Classifying (quasi-)smooth varieties up to cobordism - Toni Mikael Annala ▶・
【Jacob Lurie】Topological Quantum Field Theory and the Cobordism Hypothesis ▶・
【Jacob Lurie】Topological Quantum Field Theory and the Cobordism Hypothesis ▶・
"Extended defect TQFTs", talk by Nils Carqueville at "QFT & Cobordism", CQTS @ NYU Abu Dhabi ▶・
"Extended defect TQFTs", talk by Nils Carqueville at "QFT & Cobordism", CQTS @ NYU Abu Dhabi ▶・
コオーディネーションの原理論【監修】荒木秀夫 【制作】JACOT ▶・
JDG 2017: Ciprian Manolescu: Homology cobordism and triangulations ▶・
JDG 2017: Ciprian Manolescu: Homology cobordism and triangulations ▶・
Mikhail Gromov - 1/4 Old, New and Unknown around Scalar Curvature ▶・
Self dual configurations and finite geometries (Carlos Segovia) ▶・
Mohammed Abouzaid:Arnold Conjecture and Morava K-theory ▶・
What are...knot groups? ▶・
What are...combinatorial surfaces? ▶・
朝日新聞さまが『地政学ブーム』を(雑に)批判!その的外れぶりを『北斗の拳』を用いて解説!?|奥山真司の地政学「アメリカ通信」 ▶・
朝日新聞さまが『地政学ブーム』を(雑に)批判!その的外れぶりを『北斗の拳』を用いて解説!?|奥山真司の地政学「アメリカ通信」 ▶・
Paul BIRAN - Lagrangian Cobordisms, Dehn-twists and Real Algebraic Geometry ▶・
Paul BIRAN - Lagrangian Cobordisms, Dehn-twists and Real Algebraic Geometry ▶・
Ilka Brunner - Truncated Affine Rozansky-Witten Models as Extended TQFTs ▶・
Ilka Brunner - Truncated Affine Rozansky-Witten Models as Extended TQFTs ▶・
Sucharit Sarkar : Mixed invariants in Khovanov homology for unorientable cobordisms ▶・
Sucharit Sarkar : Mixed invariants in Khovanov homology for unorientable cobordisms ▶ >>次へNext
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