Your ultimate election guide: 6 Saskatoon mayoral candidates, 5 hot topics ▶1:20:03
Saskatoon mayoral candidate Rob Norris promises ‘gestures’ for business community ▶1:39
Gordon Wyant, Cynthia Block announce Saskatoon mayoral campaigns ▶2:32
Former Saskatoon mayor Don Atchison announces comeback bid ▶1:58
Saskatoon mayoral candidates pitch different visions on how to fix homelessness crisis ▶1:19:11
Saskatoon mayoral candidates make push as campaign reaches final leg ▶1:53
Saskatoon Mayoral Debate - Oct. 14, 2020 ▶1:30:33
Saskatoon mayoral candidates pitch protecting, creating jobs ▶1:58
Saskatoon mayoral candidates clash on bus rapid transit plans ▶1:38
Saskatoon mayoral candidates speak voter accessibility, weather response on final campaign day ▶1:50
Saskatoon mayoral candidates stress top fiscal priorities as campaigns wrap ▶2:03
Saskatoon mayoral candidates address indigenous issues at FSIN forum ▶2:13
Saskatoon mayor-elect Cynthia Block says she's honoured to be the city's first female mayor ▶2:14
Mayoral candidates offer their takes on proposed downtown Saskatoon shelter ▶4:11
Mayoral candidate Cary Tarasoff on funding plans, infill focus ▶5:01
Candidates spar on what downtown arena will — and has — cost taxpayers ▶1:29:51
Buffalo mayoral candidates debate ahead of November general election ▶1:46
It's official: 102 candidates are running to become Toronto's next mayor ▶0:25
Elections results 2021: Andy Burnham re-elected as Greater Manchester mayor ▶1:32
The race for Sacramento mayor: Here's who is running in 2024 ▶5:15
Saskatoon mayoral candidates meet in first debate of 2020 civic election ▶1:07
NYC Mayoral Debate: Candidates on The Worst Ideas They've Heard ▶5:45
Saskatoon mayoral candidates square off in economic focused debate ▶1:45
There are 88 candidates running for Mayor of Toronto — we have thoughts ▶1:26
Mayoral candidates disagree on Saskatoon’s Low Emissions Community Plan ▶2:30
Saskatoon Tribal Council chief says Saskatoon needs 'proper facility' for homeless people ▶1:44
Mayoral candidates spar over making Saskatoon a ‘liveable’ city ▶3:30
Saskatoon mayoral candidates weigh in on rail line relocation ▶56:24
Saskatoon mayoral race: Six candidates presumed to be on ballot ▶49:49
New York City Democratic Mayoral Debate ▶4:52
Who's running in Saskatoon's upcoming municipal election? ▶2:34
A Mayor for London: Full Debate 2021 ▶1:14
Who is Running For Mayor of Chicago? What to Know About the 9 Candidates as Election Day Nears ▶2:23
Meet Columbia Mayoral Candidates: Sam Johnson ▶1:52
City points to lengthy dispute as former mayoral candidate blocked from social media sites ▶1:56
Who Won the 1st 2024 Republican Presidential Debate? ▶20:02
Who is Tulsa's next mayor? These seven potential candidates are thinking about running ▶2:09
The 5 Takeaways From the Final NYC Mayoral Debate ▶0:56
Housing, taxes and business key topics in Saskatoon mayoral debate ▶1:41
Saskatoon mayoral candidates go head-to-head in Broadway Theatre debate ▶3:40
A look at Saskatoon mayoral candidate Kelley Moore ▶2:37:26
Lighthouse cut draws criticism from Saskatoon mayoral candidates, homeless ▶7:37
Mayoral election 2021: Sadiq Khan and Shaun Bailey ▶1:57
Find in video from 00:53 The Four Candidates ▶2:13
Previewing Menasha's mayoral primary candidates for 2024 ▶1:39
Mayoral candidates reflect on final election poll ▶2:30
Uxbridge by-election full candidate list revealed ▶1:54
The path ahead for Saskatoon’s mayoral candidates ▶1:32
Chicago Election 2023: Full coverage of mayoral race, city council seats and more ▶1:45
Ontario municipal elections 2022: John Tory re-elected as Toronto mayor for 3rd term | FULL ▶2:02
Vote 2021: Sadiq Khan wins London mayoral election ▶1:44
Saskatoon mayoral candidates pitch protecting, creating jobs ▶1:49
Saskatoon mayoral candidates address indigenous issues at FSIN forum ▶1:56
Saskatoon mayoral candidates clash on bus rapid transit plans ▶1:50
Mayoral candidates spar over making Saskatoon a ‘liveable’ city ▶1:56
Saskatoon mayoral candidates make push as campaign reaches final leg ▶2:13
Saskatoon mayoral candidates meet in first debate of 2020 civic election ▶2:24
Saskatoon mayoral candidates weigh in on rail line relocation ▶0:58
Saskatoon mayoral candidates stress top fiscal priorities as campaigns wrap ▶5:40
Mayoral candidates disagree on Saskatoon’s Low Emissions Community Plan ▶17:10
Saskatoon mayoral candidates speak voter accessibility, weather response on final campaign day ▶6:27
4 Saskatoon mayoral candidates are now running, but just who is Devon Hein? ▶4:12
University of Saskatchewan hosts candidates in Saskatoon mayor’s race ▶1:39
Mayoral candidates share their views on business and their vision for the city ▶4:02
Saskatoon mom says online 'pass out challenge' resulted in son's death ▶1:38
Saskatoon man who brutally killed Indigenous woman 23 years ago granted day parole ▶2:11
A look at the 2024 Tulsa mayoral race ▶3:27
A look at the five people wanting to be Kelowna’s next mayor ▶7:13
Find in video from 01:50 Reading of Candidates and First Preference Votes ▶5:55
Sadiq Khan re-elected as London Mayor | Full declaration and speeches ▶2:41
Global News profiles mayoral candidate Jan Damery ▶2:30
Why YouTubers stood for Mayor of London ▶6:52
Saskatoon mayor candidates will have to fight to get noticed: expert ▶1:34
The race to become the next Mayor of London: Who are the candidates taking on Sadiq Khan? ▶1:08
Mayoral candidates reflect on final election poll ▶0:47
Saskatoon mayoral race profile: The first of four begins with Don Atchison ▶2:16
Live video: Saskatoon mayoral contenders debate at candidate forum ▶6:17
LA mayor's race: Rick Caruso, Karen Bass heading to November runoff election | ABC7 ▶47:06
Find in video from 00:04 Introduction to Candidates ▶1:29:31
Here are all 48 candidates currently running for Mayor of Toronto ▶1:26
Building a safe community: Front-line workers weigh in on priority issue in Saskatoon civic election ▶1:24
Voter guide: Minneapolis mayoral candidates on how they’d address the city’s top issues ▶5:28
Find in video from 0:00 Introduction to Major Candidates ▶6:27
Philippines election 2022: Who are the candidates? ▶1:09
Calgary election: mayoral candidates answer your questions ▶1:55
Jyoti Gondek elected as Calgary's first female mayor ▶1:10
Charlie Clark on a new downtown Saskatoon central library ▶0:56
London mayoral election 2024: Everything you need to know about the vote ▶2:08
Sadiq Khan wins Labour London mayoral selection ▶2:36
Meet the Irmo mayoral candidates ▶1:09
What's the most pressing issue facing Boise? Mayoral candidates answer ▶1:53
Focus BC: Meet the 2022 Vancouver mayoral candidates ▶3:14
Saskatoon Mayoral Debate, hosted by the Greater Saskatoon Chamber of Commerce ▶1:17
Saskatoon rolls out election modernization strategy for 2024 municipal election ▶1:55
Snow-plagued Saskatoon election will take a break until Friday ▶
Group calling for Gaza ceasefire removed from Sask. legislature ▶
Calgary election: The race for mayor ▶
Manila Mayor Isko Moreno to run for president in 2022 ▶
Clive Weighill announces retirement after 11 years as police chief ▶
Election Day in Saskatoon: Vote splitting, history made and looking ahead ▶
Meet the candidates running for Memphis Mayor ▶
Zach Galifianakis gives last-minute endorsement before Saskatoon mayoral candidate wins election ▶
Here's what Saskatoon's mayoral candidates want to do about emergency shelters ▶
Candidates qualify for Bastrop mayor’s race, including two former mayors ▶
London mayoral race 2021: What did the audience think of the debate? ▶
What mayoral candidate Charlie Clark is promising for Saskatoon ▶
Rob Norris concedes following loss in Saskatoon mayoral race ▶
Rob Norris on a new downtown Saskatoon central library ▶
More than 100 candidates are running to be Toronto's next mayor | About That ▶


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