Businesses are unlikely to charge a credit card fee | Retail Council of Canada ▶3:38・
Find in video from 00:19 Retail Council's Response ▶2:27・
Retail Council of Canada receiving “daily” reports of violent shoplifters ▶2:23・
Canada's grocery business doesn't have enough competition — and shoppers are paying the price, report finds ▶5:26・
Retail Council of Canada not happy with timing of NS minimum wage increase ▶2:05・
Retail thefts on the rise, becoming more violent: Retail Council of Canada ▶9:24・
Attention shoppers: Overcharged for an item at checkout? You might be able to get it for free ▶6:23・
'Theft is on everyone’s mind:' Retail Council of Canada says shoplifting is becoming more brazen ▶7:02・
Find in video from 00:51 Retail Council Responds ▶2:31・
Retail council VP tells Ottawa to 'look in the mirror' over rising food prices ▶0:40・
48% of our members are unable to pay rent: Retail Council of Canada ▶2:04・
Profits for grocers are low, cost comes from vendors: RCC VP | Power Play with Todd Van Der Heyden ▶2:02・
Some shoppers think they can 'dehumanize' store clerks, and the retail council isn't happy about it ▶2:28・
Who are the GTA developers set to benefit from Ford government's Greenbelt land swap? ▶2:13・
Christmas retail rush kicks in early in Atlantic Canada ▶5:02・
Shoplifting cost Canadian businesses $9.1B in lost revenue last year, report finds ▶4:08・
Government calls for meeting with CEOs of Canada's biggest grocery chains to talk food prices ▶1:53・
Big grocers, retailers want Ontario's recycling plan changed ▶1:59・
COVID-19 sparks food supply concerns ▶1:17・
Paying Corporate & Commodity Taxes & Levies Online – Tax & Revenue Administration ▶4:45・
Competition Bureau to study rising grocery prices ▶1:45・
Europe is dealing with fashion waste. Why can’t Canada? ▶5:15・
Expect the cost of goods shipped to Canada to rise ▶5:17・
Impact of B.C. floods on the retail supply chain ▶6:14・
'Nobody was ready': Retail Council of Canada urges consumers to stop panicking as grocers stripped bare ▶0:56・
Canadians plan to shop in-person, spend more during holidays: survey ▶7:49・
2020 holiday retail forecast ▶1:53・
Customers will get a different retail experience: Retail Council of Canada ▶5:20・
U.S. government among those concerned about Quebec's new French-language sign rules ▶16:18・
The impact of COVID-19 on retailers ▶5:40・
Nasa's UFO report: What we learned from UAP study ▶4:17・
Grocery chains boost profits by charging different prices for the same stuff ▶4:10・
Retail Industry welcomes removal of capacity limits ▶0:43・
What Alberta consumers can expect as retail stores begin to reopen ▶2:09・
Conscious consumerism - time to shop & live - our values | Diane Ridgway-Cross | TEDxMontrealWomen ▶1:43・
You and Your Government: A guide to government in Canada ▶3:27・
Canadians spend less on back-to-school shopping amid inflation ▶4:04・
What will the post-pandemic retail landscape look like? ▶3:36・
Alberta retail stores adapting to digital consumers, increase in theft ▶2:01・
Supply chain shortages ▶4:21・
Paying with a credit card? Expect to see a fee when you shop under new rules that start now ▶2:17・
Halifax businesses ask shoppers for patience amid new COVID rules ▶2:15:03・
Coronavirus outbreak: Canadians urged not to "panic buy"; Should schools close over COVID-19? ▶43:13・
The changes to the retail landscape as businesses begin to reopen ▶22:21・
Canadian grocery stores make $3.27-million per year from penny-rounding: UBC study ▶2:01・
The future of Canada’s changing retail landscape ▶2:26・
A Brief History of Retail ▶2:31・
Namwayut: we are all one. Truth and reconciliation in Canada | Canada is ... ▶2:04・
Walmart Launches Small Army Of Autonomous Scanning Robots. ▶4:45・
Citizens’ inquiry releases final report on Canada’s COVID-19 response – November 28, 2023 ▶3:27・
Racial profiling by stores, landlords and companies: Are we racist? (CBC Marketplace) ▶22:21・
Outlets vs retail, and Winners prices: Sale fail? (CBC Marketplace) ▶2:23・
Shoplifting cost Canadian businesses $9.1B in lost revenue last year, report finds ▶2:00・
Retail Council of Canada receiving ‘daily’ reports of violent shoplifters ▶1:46・
Ontario vastly expanding where booze can be sold in move to modernize alcohol retail market ▶5:16・
Christmas retail rush kicks in early in Atlantic Canada ▶8:50・
Impact of B.C. floods on the retail supply chain ▶1:45・
Retail Council of Canada shows Canadians more intentional with holiday shopping ▶0:58・
Retail tricks: How stores make you spend more (CBC Marketplace) ▶3:52・
“It could be very damaging”: Retail Council of Canada warns the toll this year’s Christmas shopping season could have on retailers, especially smaller ones ▶2:21・
Voting Procedures During An Election ▶3:43・
Vancouver is the new home to luxury retail shops ▶5:21・
2020 holiday retail forecast ▶1:48・
Retail Management | Retail Supply Chain | Tutorialspoint ▶5:21・
How retailers are approaching back-to-school in a pandemic ▶2:31・
$2.5 billion in spending for a so-called ‘grocery rebate’ in 2023 federal budget ▶9:06・
How to complete your postal vote ▶11:37・
What does 2024 have in store for the Canadian economy? ▶1:40・
Canadian retail sales to show consumers are cautious but still spending in this Advisor Lookahead ▶4:56・
How retailers need to adjust as businesses reopen ▶2:00・
Grocers fight back against calls for a government enforced business code of conduct ▶4:11・
What Alberta consumers can expect as retail stores begin to reopen ▶2:11・
Officials say provincial leaders forced Moncton’s hand in possible plastic bag ban ▶2:33・
What Alberta consumers can expect as retail stores begin to reopen ▶2:34・
Rude behaviour by shoppers becoming a sign of the times, says Canada's retail council ▶4:04・
How AI and Automation Fuel Walmart’s Ultrafast Deliveries | WSJ Shipping Wars ▶12:20・
Simulation Series: Cardiac Arrest ▶13:26・
Behind the scenes: Medical Laboratory Scientist ▶8:55・
Behind the Scenes of Presidential Advance: Part 2 ▶3:14・
Early holiday shopping important, as season is critical for many Montreal retailers: RCC ▶21:30・
Canada's grocery retail sector one of the most competitive on Earth: Sobeys CEO ▶1:59・
Ex-Con Opens Fire at School Meeting ▶2:25・
Retail Council says there is growing retail crime in Nova Scotia ▶10:19・
Organics Recycling ▶2:24・
'Retail has nine lives' in Canada as 2023 consumer spending strong -- for now: report ▶6:38・
‘Buy Canadian’ starting to have an impact on retail market ▶2:31・
Dan Ariens on the Limited Edition PLATINUM 24 SHO 90th Anniversary Sno-Thro® ▶58:24・
Changes in Canada's retail industry ▶2:03・
First Resume Tips: How to Make a Resume with No Work Experience | Indeed Career Tips ▶3:29・
1 | MCQ (Reading Questions) | Practice Sessions | AP English Language and Composition ▶19:25・
Find in video from 07:01 The Council of Nicea ▶0:54・
Early Christian Schisms - The Woes of Constantine - Extra History - Part 2 ▶・
Business Report: What is Canada's most respected retail store? ▶・
The Spotlight: TikTok Kia Boyz ▶・
Retailers question Windsor, Ont., police decision to stop taking some retail theft reports ▶・
Zero-waste advocate shows it takes very little to make big difference ▶・
How To Spot Fake News – BTN Media Literacy ▶・
DJI - Unveiling the DJI Flagship Store ▶・
Retail council launches loss prevention task force ▶・
Some shoppers think they can 'dehumanize' store clerks, and the retail council isn't happy about it ▶・
Blackfeet Nation Tribal Festival - Afternoon Event and Dances ▶・
'Surprised if Bank of Canada continued to raise rates': What economists are saying about retail sales ▶・
What is Canada's most respected retail store? ▶・
Choosing the Right Snow Blower | Toro® Snow Blowers ▶・
@TorontoPolice News Conference Re: Retail Safety & Security | Mon., Oct. 21st, 2024 ▶・
Some shoppers think they can 'dehumanize' store clerks, and the retail council isn't happy about it ▶・
2024 Nissan Rogue® | Performance & Efficiency ▶ >>次へNext
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