Life is simple - so why do we screw it up? | Dr. Louis Francescutti | TEDxEdmonton ▶14:24・
Life is simple - so why do we screw it up? | Dr. Louis Francescutti | TEDxEdmonton ▶4:34・
Dr. Louis Francescutti on how our brains have not evolved enough for modern times ▶1:00・
Dr. Louis Francescutti on how our brains have not evolved enough for modern times ▶0:39・
A Message from Dr. Louis Francescutti ▶54:00・
University of Alberta - Dr. Louis Hugo Francescutti on LifeStyle Channel ▶4:33・
University of Alberta - Dr. Louis Hugo Francescutti on LifeStyle Channel ▶26:43・
A passion for public health ▶11:12・
-木曜劇場-Dr.コトー診療所2004 特別編【優しい涙の別れ。新たな出発】[字] ▶23:47・
-木曜劇場-Dr.コトー診療所2004 特別編【優しい涙の別れ。新たな出発】[字] ▶23:53・
A magic show unlike any other ▶2:28:49・
Louis Pasteur, Man of Science (Viking Films Inc. 1959) ▶2:01・
Curing Tuberculosis - The Hero Koch - Part 1 - Extra History ▶1:53:05・
Shigurui 06 sub esp ▶1:38:00・
Shigurui 04 sub esp ▶5:59・
Dr. Khalid Muhammad - Debate on The Origin Of Jesus (1991) | 47 MINUTES LONGER ▶30:21・
Dr. Khalid Muhammad - Debate on The Origin Of Jesus (1991) | 47 MINUTES LONGER ▶1:58・
Meet Morasu! (Dr Slump/Dr.スランプ) ▶5:21・
Live Tapisserie. Pose du tissu sur un fauteuil ▶1:29:29・
15 FHD 朗読屋 낭독가게 ▶1:05:29・
5分でみる世界史 ルイ16世とフランス革命のはじまり ▶10:00・
Meditación guiada de sanación / Pablo Gómez psiquiatra. ▶32:31・
What you can expect at your first Podiatry Appointment ▶3:13・
Doc Louis's Punch-Out!! HD - All Doc Louis Boss Fights (No Damage) ▶1:16:55・
Dr Phibes rises again (1972) ▶1:28:46・
Cancer Breakthrough: How Metabolic Therapy is Changing Lives ▶1:00:52・
Cancer Breakthrough: How Metabolic Therapy is Changing Lives ▶1:31:07・
【特集】国産初の手術支援ロボ「hinotori」未来医療をつくる両輪"技術者と医師"に聞く『不死鳥』の真価(2021年3月26日) ▶29:43・
【特集】国産初の手術支援ロボ「hinotori」未来医療をつくる両輪"技術者と医師"に聞く『不死鳥』の真価(2021年3月26日) ▶22:21・
The Cancer Doctor Who Did the Unthinkable | The Horrific Crimes of Farid Fata ▶19:21・
The Cancer Doctor Who Did the Unthinkable | The Horrific Crimes of Farid Fata ▶13:11・
Dr. Lou Ignarro on Niteworks® Powder Mix | Herbalife ▶17:29・
High Cholesterol is Healthy! [with David Diamond, PhD] ▶3:37・
The New Revolution In HUMAN ORIGINS, Dr. Richard Leakey, Leakey Foundation ▶1:28:02・
The New Revolution In HUMAN ORIGINS, Dr. Richard Leakey, Leakey Foundation ▶1:34・
Unlocking the Mysteries of Divine Astrology ▶11:02・
Jekyll and Hyde 1990 ▶27:55・
Le Dr Louis Fouché en direct face à l'Ordre Des Médecins, réactions à sa convocations ▶30:01・
Le Dr Louis Fouché en direct face à l'Ordre Des Médecins, réactions à sa convocations ▶1:07:00・
テレビでは絶対に放送されないので、現役医師が不整脈の真実を暴露します。 ▶1:43・
テレビでは絶対に放送されないので、現役医師が不整脈の真実を暴露します。 ▶1:47・
The Emergency Room: A Window into Us | Louis Profeta | TEDxWabashCollege ▶4:15・
The Emergency Room: A Window into Us | Louis Profeta | TEDxWabashCollege ▶15:47・
【イタリア・フィレンツェ】「ウフィッツィ美術館」でルネッサンス名画を堪能する1日 ▶4:08・
【イタリア・フィレンツェ】「ウフィッツィ美術館」でルネッサンス名画を堪能する1日 ▶38:42・
Find in video from 0:00 Introduction to Henry Louis Gates Jr. ▶53:33・
Henry Louis Gates, Jr.: "We Are 99.9% the Same" | Amanpour and Company ▶10:26・
Henry Louis Gates, Jr.: "We Are 99.9% the Same" | Amanpour and Company ▶7:02・
Dr. Thomas Louie: The making of fecal transplant oral capsules ▶18:18・
映画「Dr.コトー診療所」スペシャル神回!監督&プロデューサーが語るドラシネだけの撮影エピソード!? ▶1:45・
映画「Dr.コトー診療所」スペシャル神回!監督&プロデューサーが語るドラシネだけの撮影エピソード!? ▶12:12・
Louie on FX - Ricky Gervais as Louie's Doctor ▶3:33・
決めゼリフ「私、失敗しないので」誕生秘話!豪華キャスト『ドクターX ~外科医・大門未知子~』制作発表会見 ▶1:18・
決めゼリフ「私、失敗しないので」誕生秘話!豪華キャスト『ドクターX ~外科医・大門未知子~』制作発表会見 ▶58:52・
LDR小線源治療による前立腺癌治療 門間 哲雄 ▶4:47・
Episode 58 - Future Predictions with Dr. Louis Turi ▶13:08・
Find in video from 0:00 Intro of Nobel Prize Winner: The MIRACLE MOLECULE for Health You Have NEVER HEARD OF | Dr. Louis Ign ▶1:00:50・
Nobel Prize Winner: The MIRACLE MOLECULE for Health You Have NEVER HEARD OF | Dr. Louis Ignarro ▶2:38・
Nobel Prize Winner: The MIRACLE MOLECULE for Health You Have NEVER HEARD OF | Dr. Louis Ignarro ▶3:23・
Dr Louis Ignarro Receives Nobel Prize ▶1:11:57・
Statin Drugs & Nitric Oxide ▶2:59・
Chris Meloni Reacts to Family History in Finding Your Roots | Ancestry ▶5:16・
Chris Meloni Reacts to Family History in Finding Your Roots | Ancestry ▶1:31・
【15分】医学の歴史⑵【聞き流し】狂気の解剖学者ヴェサリウス/ファブリカ/1543年の革命 ▶8:34・
【15分】医学の歴史⑵【聞き流し】狂気の解剖学者ヴェサリウス/ファブリカ/1543年の革命 ▶2:24・
50th anniversary of first human heart transplant ▶7:17・
The future of intensive care - Professor Jean-Louis Vincent ▶3:32・
Starving Cancer: A Surprising Treatment To Reverse Aging & Prevent Disease | Dr. William Li ▶3:01・
Starving Cancer: A Surprising Treatment To Reverse Aging & Prevent Disease | Dr. William Li ▶4:00・
グッチVSルイ・ヴィトン 高級ブランドの仁義なき戦い【テレ東経済ニュースアカデミー】 ▶6:16・
グッチVSルイ・ヴィトン 高級ブランドの仁義なき戦い【テレ東経済ニュースアカデミー】 ▶1:12・
Melanoma – Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy | Roswell Park Patient Education ▶8:28・
Melanoma – Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy | Roswell Park Patient Education ▶0:31・
映画Dr.コトー診療所が100倍好きになる動画! ▶10:19・
ドクター=ファンクビート / nyanyannya【セルフカバー/Self Cover】 ▶2:22・
ドクター=ファンクビート / nyanyannya【セルフカバー/Self Cover】 ▶13:04・
[EPISODE] Dr.チョコレート Shoot Sketch EP.2 - &TEAM ▶2:15・
『グッド・ドクター 名医の条件』フレディ・ハイモアのインタビュー映像 ▶3:24・
Louis Leakey and Human Evolution Emerging Out of Africa | Science pills ▶4:39・
Louis Leakey and Human Evolution Emerging Out of Africa | Science pills ▶8:07・
Eat, Fast & Live Longer BBC Documentary ▶1:02:40・
LOUDNESS ~ in Europe1984 / CRAZY DOCTOR ▶1:40・
【独占】『ドクターX』新シリーズ放送記念!遠藤憲一、勝村政信、鈴木浩介”爆笑“インタビュー ▶0:31・
【独占】『ドクターX』新シリーズ放送記念!遠藤憲一、勝村政信、鈴木浩介”爆笑“インタビュー ▶6:07・
Divine Astrology ▶1:27・
Louie Back Doctor (epic) ▶1:52・
[EPISODE] Dr.チョコレート Shoot Sketch EP.1 - &TEAM ▶4:09・
African American lives Genealogy, Genetics, and Black History - Dr Henry Lewis Gates Jr 2010-2011 ▶2:16:59・
African American lives Genealogy, Genetics, and Black History - Dr Henry Lewis Gates Jr 2010-2011 ▶57:32・
Rev. Dr. Louis Shockley ▶2:05・
Doc Louis's Punch-Out!! (Wii) Playthrough - NintendoComplete ▶47:50・
【予告】映画『Dr.コトー診療所』Blu-ray&DVD 2023年7月21日発売 ▶49:59・
Jekyll and Hyde: Context ▶4:35・
Obama on Henry Gates Arrest ▶3:31・
「ドクター・ストレンジ/マルチバース・オブ・マッドネス」本編プレビュー ▶13:20・
「ドクター・ストレンジ/マルチバース・オブ・マッドネス」本編プレビュー ▶30:34・
Louis Represents Dr. Lipschitz in Court | Suits ▶7:39・
Henry Louis Gates, Jr. Discusses Mother's View on Race ▶3:47・
Find in video from 01:11 Confrontation with Louis Litt ▶2:19・
Louis Litt's Encounter With His Old Bully | Suits ▶2:34・
Find in video from 01:07 Louis' Jewish Identity ▶・
Louis meets Dr. Lipschitz for the first time | Suits ▶・
全米大ヒットのメディカルドラマ待望のシーズン4!「グッド・ドクター 名医の条件 シーズン4」5/25(水)デジタル配信 / 7/6(水)DVD発売 ▶・
全米大ヒットのメディカルドラマ待望のシーズン4!「グッド・ドクター 名医の条件 シーズン4」5/25(水)デジタル配信 / 7/6(水)DVD発売 ▶・
Motor Vehicle Safety: from Emergency Room to Prevention Culture ▶・
Motor Vehicle Safety: from Emergency Room to Prevention Culture ▶・
『Dr.コトー診療所』特報③【2022年12月16日(金)公開】 ▶・
「発明王ドクター中松!超豪邸に潜入!発想力の秘密&新発明品発表!!」23時の密着テレビ レベチな人、見つけた~特別編集版~#レベチな人見つけた #ビートたけし #国分太一 #未公開 ▶・
「発明王ドクター中松!超豪邸に潜入!発想力の秘密&新発明品発表!!」23時の密着テレビ レベチな人、見つけた~特別編集版~#レベチな人見つけた #ビートたけし #国分太一 #未公開 ▶・
Our Mob Our Stories - Dr Louis Peachey ▶・
Winning a NOBEL PRIZE for His Groundbreaking Discovery of NITRIC OXIDE | Dr. Louis Ignarro ▶・
Winning a NOBEL PRIZE for His Groundbreaking Discovery of NITRIC OXIDE | Dr. Louis Ignarro ▶・
グッド・ドクター 名医の条件 シーズン3|フレディ・ハイモア インタビュー映像 ▶・
グッド・ドクター 名医の条件 シーズン3|フレディ・ハイモア インタビュー映像 ▶・
【特別総集編】海外ドラマ『グッド・ドクター 名医の条件』〈超天才の新人外科医が旋風を巻き起こす!圧倒的なスケールとリアリティの医療ドラマ〉 ▶・
【特別総集編】海外ドラマ『グッド・ドクター 名医の条件』〈超天才の新人外科医が旋風を巻き起こす!圧倒的なスケールとリアリティの医療ドラマ〉 ▶・
Find in video from 00:06 Harvey and Louis' Relationship Issues ▶・
Harvey and Louis Try Couple Counseling | Suits ▶・
Louis' very unexpected encounter | Suits ▶・
Black in Latin America E03, Mexico and Peru: The Black Grandma in the Closet ▶・
Black in Latin America E03, Mexico and Peru: The Black Grandma in the Closet ▶・
Dr.スランプ アラレちゃん / 新IQ博士 ED2 - Let me go! ▶・
映画『Dr.コトー診療所』Blu-ray&DVD|好評発売中 ▶・
What does an economy for a fairer tomorrow look like? Panel ▶・
From The Archives: Lawn darts get tossed from store shelves ▶・
Shigella outbreak spreading through Edmonton’s homeless population ▶・
Shigella outbreak spreading through Edmonton’s homeless population ▶・
Fat Ginger Sack ▶・
【FC】ドクターマリオ【LOW LV24クリアまで】 ▶・
Alzheimers: What the experts are getting wrong | Ep185 ▶・
Penicillin shortage ▶・
Find in video from 02:29 Dr. Barrett and Dr. Francescutti’s backgrounds—how they got into this work ▶・
RHR: How Evolution Has Shaped our Behaviors, with Dr Robert Barrett and Dr Louis Francescutti ▶・
RHR: How Evolution Has Shaped our Behaviors, with Dr Robert Barrett and Dr Louis Francescutti ▶・
総合診療医 ドクターG「意識がない」 20170513 ▶・
Dr. Louis Francescutti on how our brains have not evolved enough for modern times ▶・
Dr. Louis Francescutti on how our brains have not evolved enough for modern times ▶・
ドクター=ファンクビート/nyanyannya(大天才P) feat.KAITO ▶・
ドクター=ファンクビート/nyanyannya(大天才P) feat.KAITO ▶・
【公式】日本テレビ2023年4月期土曜ドラマ『Dr.チョコレート』 ▶・
The End of Spinal Surgery in America - Alexandre Rasouli, M.D. ▶・
Export from QGIS to EPANET ▶・
Community TV - seems relevant today. Highlights from a... ▶・
Calls for stricter ATV laws in Alberta ▶・
RAHF 2022/2023 Annual Gratitude Report (Bridge Healing) ▶・
Dr. Louis Rivera - Surgical Oncologist - Scripps Health ▶・
Canadian Medical Association on end-of-life care ▶・
The dangers of legalizing cannabis in Canada ▶・
Francisco J. Garcia-Ferrer, MD | Ophthalmology | St. Louis, MO | Mercy ▶・
Francisco J. Garcia-Ferrer, MD | Ophthalmology | St. Louis, MO | Mercy ▶ >>次へNext
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