Steward Fundamentals - Duty to Fair Representation ▶2:46
Collective Bargaining 101 - BC Public Sector and Sectoral Agreements ▶3:56
Collective Bargaining 101 - BC Public Sector and Sectoral Agreements ▶4:15
Steward Fundamentals - Social Media in the Workplace ▶2:31
Message from BCGEU President Stephanie Smith on the Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc 215 Anniversary ▶13:04
Message from BCGEU President Stephanie Smith on the Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc 215 Anniversary ▶1:51
Vacancy Control: Security & Stability for Renters ▶4:19
Overview of the British Columbia Employment Standards Branch ▶3:53
BCGEU reaches tentative 3-year agreement ▶24:44
Steward Fundamentals - Privacy and Confidentiality ▶1:38
We Are the Union: Women's Work ▶2:17
BCGEU reaches tentative deal ▶1:05:25
Private cannabis store threatened by BCGEU strike ▶2:09
WATCH LIVE: CBC Vancouver News for July 06 — Talks between the province and the BCGEU breakdown ▶1:05:35
WATCH LIVE: CBC Vancouver News for July 06 — Talks between the province and the BCGEU breakdown ▶27:35
B.C. cannabis stores running out of stock as BCGEU strike continues ▶3:05
WATCH LIVE: CBC Vancouver News for August 15 — BCGEU members begin targeted job action ▶2:01
WATCH LIVE: CBC Vancouver News for August 15 — BCGEU members begin targeted job action ▶2:23
Turning Point 1993 ▶3:23
BCGEU100 Series: Diversity & Equity in the BCGEU ▶3:10
British Columbia: An Untold History | Trailer ▶4:26
BCGEU members targeted job action could affect B.C. bars and restaurants ▶1:36
BCGEU members targeted job action could affect B.C. bars and restaurants ▶1:35:46
Supplemental Application walkthrough ▶5:41
Thousands of B.C. workers may be going on strike ▶0:38
Pensions 101 ▶0:52
STEP UP: The Tawney Meiorin Story ▶1:30
Careers ▶1:55
Michael Hudson on the Vancouver Real Estate Crisis ▶20:35
BCGEU reaches tentative agreement with the province ▶2:19
「BLEACH Brave Souls(ブレソル)」四楓院夜一 紹介ムービー ▶1:48
「BLEACH Brave Souls(ブレソル)」藍染惣右介 紹介ムービー ▶1:15
リュート組曲第1番「ブーレ」(J.S.Bach)Lute Suite BWV996 Bourree ▶0:33
リュート組曲第1番「ブーレ」(J.S.Bach)Lute Suite BWV996 Bourree ▶2:17
Politics behind BCGEU job action ▶0:31
【検証】売切続出のBacchus BST-2-RSM/Mが本当にすごいのか本家のストラトと弾き比べ徹底レビューした ▶44:00
【検証】売切続出のBacchus BST-2-RSM/Mが本当にすごいのか本家のストラトと弾き比べ徹底レビューした ▶14:03
Premier reacts to BCGEU standing down picket lines ▶22:46
BCGEU to conduct strike vote ▶4:22
BCGEU accepts government’s offer to return to the bargaining table ▶0:29
【ブレソル/BLEACH】藍染惣右介【千年血戦篇ステップアップガチャ―極髄―】新キャラ紹介 ▶10:05
【ブレソル/BLEACH】藍染惣右介【千年血戦篇ステップアップガチャ―極髄―】新キャラ紹介 ▶5:41
Several major labour union contracts coming up for negotiations in B.C. ▶6:59
Several major labour union contracts coming up for negotiations in B.C. ▶0:34
「BLEACH Brave Souls(ブレソル)」ネリエル紹介ムービー ▶4:36
BLEACH ブレソル実況 part2627(千年血戦篇ガチャ-呼応- 22万円課金600連の軌跡) ▶2:31
BLEACH ブレソル実況 part2627(千年血戦篇ガチャ-呼応- 22万円課金600連の軌跡) ▶3:33
Bacchusのローステッドメイプルモデル、予想以上に良かった! ▶17:50
Maternity and parental benefits in Canada | How to Apply | Step by step guide| ▶0:31
Maternity and parental benefits in Canada | How to Apply | Step by step guide| ▶4:18
初恋(石川啄木・越ヶ谷達之助) / べー・チェチョル(배재철・Bae Jaechul) 超名演‼️ ▶9:16
初恋(石川啄木・越ヶ谷達之助) / べー・チェチョル(배재철・Bae Jaechul) 超名演‼️ ▶1:14
ヴォイス・ファクトリイ(Voice Factory CO.,LTD) ▶2:12
「BLEACH Brave Souls(ブレソル)」BURN THE WITCHコラボサイクルガチャ―Magic Circle Corps: Inks― プロモーションムービー ▶2:13
「BLEACH Brave Souls(ブレソル)」BURN THE WITCHコラボサイクルガチャ―Magic Circle Corps: Inks― プロモーションムービー ▶0:31
【ブレソル/BLEACH】イールフォルト、アビラマ、テスラ【破面ガチャ―臣下の尊信―】新キャラ紹介 ▶0:37
【ブレソル/BLEACH】イールフォルト、アビラマ、テスラ【破面ガチャ―臣下の尊信―】新キャラ紹介 ▶2:53
【Bacchus】話題のギタリストにいきなり新製品を渡してみた ▶4:33
「BLEACH Brave Souls(ブレソル)」虎徹勇音紹介ムービー ▶7:18
『見上げてごらん夜の星を』ベー・チェチョル(배재철・Bae Jaechul)大至(Daishi)デュエット 【角界入門から40年 大至 初リサイタル~喜びも悲しみも 歌にのせて~】友情出演 ▶1:39
『見上げてごらん夜の星を』ベー・チェチョル(배재철・Bae Jaechul)大至(Daishi)デュエット 【角界入門から40年 大至 初リサイタル~喜びも悲しみも 歌にのせて~】友情出演 ▶1:28
ヴォイス・ファクトリイ(Voice Factory CO.,LTD) ▶1:26
『バチェラー・ジャパン』シーズン4ー4代目バチェラー/黄皓 ▶6:08
【プロ草野球】ベーチャン初の公式戦開幕…日本一に向けた大事な初戦【えんどれす】【桑田真澄杯】 ▶1:08
【プロ草野球】ベーチャン初の公式戦開幕…日本一に向けた大事な初戦【えんどれす】【桑田真澄杯】 ▶2:28
プロ草野球チーム ベーチャン! THE BASEBALL CHAMP ▶0:42
【ブレソル/BLEACH】藍染惣右介【過去篇ガチャ―月夜の乱逆―】 ▶0:52
BCGEU reaches tentative 3-year agreement ▶4:19
More After-Court Arguments | Judge Rinder ▶41:04
BCGEU strike: Cost of living adjustment for public sector unions ▶1:40
BCGEU ratifies collective agreement with province, other unions still at bargaining table ▶5:20
BCGEU ratifies collective agreement with province, other unions still at bargaining table ▶1:15
Tony Bennett "I Wanna Be Around" ▶5:11
【ブレソル/BLEACH】BLEACH Brave Souls公式紹介動画 ▶2:06
BCGEU declares ban on non-emergency overtime work ▶0:37
Dr. Bonnie Henry announces first coronavirus death in British Columbia ▶1:49
Dr. Bonnie Henry announces first coronavirus death in British Columbia ▶5:11
【ブレソル/BLEACH】井上織姫【Healingガチャ―慈心―】 ▶2:10
バッハ/シンフォニア No.7 ( J.S.Bach - Sinfonia No.7 in E Minor, BWV 793, from Three-Part Invention ) ▶1:41
バッハ/シンフォニア No.7 ( J.S.Bach - Sinfonia No.7 in E Minor, BWV 793, from Three-Part Invention ) ▶1:46
BCGEU president on contract negotiations with the government ▶10:34
Obligations of donors ▶2:07
Gomer cutting meat job ▶3:49
Affordable BC: Land Value Tax Explained ▶4:27
BCGEU issue 72-hour strike notice ▶2:28
【ブレソル/BLEACH】ユーハバッハ、山本元柳斎重國、藍染惣右介【千年血戦篇ステップアップガチャ―極髄―】新キャラ紹介 ▶10:23
【ブレソル/BLEACH】ユーハバッハ、山本元柳斎重國、藍染惣右介【千年血戦篇ステップアップガチャ―極髄―】新キャラ紹介 ▶1:40
BCGEU reaches tentative agreement with the province ▶0:29
BCGEU declares overtime ban amid job action ▶2:15
BC General Employees’ Union plans for strike vote as contract impasse continues ▶0:42
BC General Employees’ Union plans for strike vote as contract impasse continues ▶0:33
「BLEACH Brave Souls(ブレソル)」伊勢七緒 紹介ムービー ▶17:07
DUKE-CTM【井草聖二】 ▶1:35
BCGEU reaches tentative 3-year agreement ▶5:43
BLEACH ブレソル実況 part2566-2(千年血戦篇ガチャ-極髄- 23万以上課金して600連!) ▶2:18
BLEACH ブレソル実況 part2566-2(千年血戦篇ガチャ-極髄- 23万以上課金して600連!) ▶2:15
Why Choose Labour Studies? ▶4:33
BCGEU strike: How it could impact B.C.’s hospitality industry ▶16:00
BCGEU strike: Cost of living adjustment for public sector unions ▶2:12
BCGEU strike action begins at liquor distribution centres ▶3:51
Labour pains for the BC NDP government ▶4:34
「BLEACH Brave Souls(ブレソル)」涅ネム 紹介ムービー ▶
BCGEU draws attention to incidents of violence against correctional officers | Vancouver Sun ▶
BCGEU draws attention to incidents of violence against correctional officers | Vancouver Sun ▶
BCGEU president on first phase of job action, what could happen next? ▶
Hospitality and tourism businesses urge end to BCGEU strike in open letter ▶
Hospitality and tourism businesses urge end to BCGEU strike in open letter ▶
ローステッドメイプル採用モデルBacchus BSH-850/RSM 試奏動画 ▶
BCGEU talks to continue Monday ▶
【BLEACH】ユーハバッハは一体何者?!ユーハバッハのお勉強篇! ▶
Alcohol slowly running dry for service industry after BCGEU strike ▶
No strike yet as negotiations continue in Canada Line labour dispute ▶
No strike yet as negotiations continue in Canada Line labour dispute ▶
Steward Fundamentals - Discipline & Labour Law ▶
BC General Employees’ Union plans for strike vote as contract impasse continues ▶
BC General Employees’ Union plans for strike vote as contract impasse continues ▶
バッハ無伴奏チェロ組曲第3番 前奏曲/ブーレ 井手元研一(2022)Bach: cello suite No.3 Prėlude Bourėe ▶
バッハ無伴奏チェロ組曲第3番 前奏曲/ブーレ 井手元研一(2022)Bach: cello suite No.3 Prėlude Bourėe ▶
新作BLゲーム Bloody Chain 公式PV ▶
「BLEACH Brave Souls(ブレソル)」四楓院夜一 紹介ムービー ▶
B.C. Cannabis stores lay off staff as shops run out of product ▶
【ブレソル/BLEACH】ユーハバッハ【千年血戦篇ステップアップガチャ―極髄―】 ▶
【ブレソル/BLEACH】ユーハバッハ【千年血戦篇ステップアップガチャ―極髄―】 ▶
【ブレソル/BLEACH】井上織姫【Western houseガチャ―Wonder―】 ▶
Global News Hour at 6 BC: Aug 30 ▶
BCGEU issues 72-hour strike notice for Metro Vancouver’s Canada Line ▶
【ブレソル/BLEACH】井上織姫、スンスン、綾瀬川弓親【Western houseガチャ―Wonder―】新キャラ紹介 ▶
【ブレソル/BLEACH】井上織姫、スンスン、綾瀬川弓親【Western houseガチャ―Wonder―】新キャラ紹介 ▶
Premier reacts to BCGEU standing down picket lines ▶
B.C. government workers in strike position Monday ▶
A brief history of gas prices in B.C. ▶
J.S. Bach - Brahms : Chaconne for the left hand ▶
BCGEU escalates job action after strike enters second week ▶
What we know about potential job action by Canada Line workers ▶
BCGEU president on contract negotiations with the government ▶


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