Find in video from 00:03 Introduction to SDKs ▶4:01
What is an SDK? | SDK Tutorial | Why Use SDKs in Programming? ▶1:22:37
Find in video from 00:21 Overview of Kinect for Windows SDK ▶5:46
Kinect for Windows SDK Tutorial: Introduction and Overview ▶5:32
Android SDK - Command line tools Installation (Detailed) ▶4:53
Find in video from 0:00 Introduction to SDKs ▶29:02
What is an SDK? (Software Development Kit) ▶1:27
Software Development Kit (SDK) Introduction ▶22:38
Find in video from 0:00 Introduction to Windows App SDK ▶4:41
Develop amazing Windows apps using the Windows App SDK ▶1:56
Find in video from 0:00 Introduction to Windows App SDK ▶3:29
How is Windows App SDK built and composed? ▶8:08
Find in video from 0:00 Introduction to SDKs ▶4:39
Programming Intro - What are SDK's (Software Development Kits) ▶4:26
Find in video from 0:00 Introduction to SDK Installation ▶4:33
SDK Tutorial *1 - How to install and get started - Microsoft Flight Simulator ▶10:30
SDK Tutorial *1 - How to install and get started - Microsoft Flight Simulator ▶47:52
Find in video from 01:28 Fixing SDK Version 33 Error ▶7:18
How to Change the API SDK Version in Android Studio ▶1:08
Find in video from 0:00 Introduction to Android SDK Platform Tools ▶16:36
How to Install Android SDK Platform Tools ▶3:26
Find in video from 00:27 Downloading Android SDK ▶6:55
How to set up Android SDK step by step ▶14:14
Find in video from 0:00 Introduction to SDK and API ▶4:12
SDK vs API. What's the difference? ▶4:08
Tutorial - using Kinect SDK with Visual Studio ▶0:40
How to install Android SDK Platform Tools (ADB & FASTBOOT) on Windows 11 / Windows 10 ▶5:27
How to install Android SDK Platform Tools (ADB & FASTBOOT) on Windows 11 / Windows 10 ▶5:29
Find in video from 00:01 Introduction to Azure SDK for Python ▶3:27
Introducing the Azure SDK for Python ▶9:00
Find in video from 03:18 What is the Embedded C SDK? ▶7:19
Microsoft IoT Deep Dive Embedded C SDK ▶11:10
Find in video from 0:00 Introduction to SDK Tools ▶2:07
ANDROID SDK Tools (How-To Install) ▶0:15
Find in video from 00:30 Building the Windows App SDK Windowing Platform ▶37:34
What is the Windows App SDK Windowing platform? ▶21:56
Windows 开发工具包 2023 ▶4:22
How to download and install Flutter SDK and Android studio ▶32:03
Find in video from 00:07 What is an SDK? ▶2:12
What is an SDK ▶8:24
Find in video from 02:03 Working with iOS SDK Sample Application ▶10:41
DJI Tutorials - SDK - Getting Started (iOS) ▶4:44
SAP Business one SDK Introduction and sample code- Part 1 ▶5:01
Install Azure SDK ▶9:46
Find in video from 00:19 Download SDK Component ▶0:43
How to Download SDK Component in Android Studio ▶5:28
AI SDK for SAP - Demo with SAP GUI Editor ▶1:21
Qt | 软件开发全周期的各阶段工具 ▶7:19
Installing the Android SDK command line tools ▶1:45
Find in video from 0:00 Introduction to SDK Installation ▶8:06
MCU Tech Minutes | Importing an SDK Package into MCUXpresso IDE ▶10:57
Find in video from 00:06 Downloading SDK Platform Tools ▶6:05
Install ADB and SDK platform tools ▶4:13
Find in video from 0:00 Introduction to Sitara Linux SDK ▶8:29
Sitara Linux Software Development Kit (SDK) Overview ▶6:23
Find in video from 0:00 Introduction to Azure SDKs ▶5:21
Using new Azure SDKs to interact with Azure resources ▶31:12
Find in video from 01:13 Downloading Android SDK ▶15:31
How to Install Android SDK & Eclipse ADT Plugin on Windows 10 using Eclipse Mars 2015 ▶30:45
How to Install Android SDK & Eclipse ADT Plugin on Windows 10 using Eclipse Mars 2015 ▶4:34
Find in video from 00:11 Accessing SDK Manager ▶8:08
How to update SDK in Android Studio 2022 | Bumblebee ▶11:56
6、《MindX SDK开发套件介绍》 ▶1:04:18
Find in video from 00:58 Introduction to Azure SDK Community Standup ▶1:10:04
Introducing Azure SDK - February 2023 | Azure SDK Community Standup ▶3:20
Introducing Azure SDK - February 2023 | Azure SDK Community Standup ▶3:33
什么是软件开发?| IBM ▶14:10
4.Jetson Nanno 国产开发套件基于SDK Manager自定义系统烧入到EMMC讲解 ▶52:18
4.Jetson Nanno 国产开发套件基于SDK Manager自定义系统烧入到EMMC讲解 ▶9:01
MassMotion软件开发工具包(SDK)应用案例及功能介绍 ▶1:21
【量子计算】【播客专访】Intel Quantum SDK-与英特尔合作的全新量子软件开发套件 ▶58:11
【量子计算】【播客专访】Intel Quantum SDK-与英特尔合作的全新量子软件开发套件 ▶19:00
*软件测试 什么是SDK?如何进行SDK测试?它都需要测什么 ▶1:26
MSP432P系列软件开发包SDK的下载与安装 ▶5:18
大疆 Mobile SDK 详情介绍以及实例 Demo 效果展示 ▶2:18
新功能,新体验——STM32电机控制软件开发套件MCSDK 6.0 ▶38:50
ARM MDK教程 13- 介绍飞思卡尔Kinetis SDK软件开发套件和演示Keil MDK的使用 ▶5:27
ARM MDK教程 13- 介绍飞思卡尔Kinetis SDK软件开发套件和演示Keil MDK的使用 ▶15:26
【开发实战】Tuya IoT iOS App SDK 快速入门——带你了解与接入 IoT App SDK ▶6:04
【开发实战】Tuya IoT iOS App SDK 快速入门——带你了解与接入 IoT App SDK ▶12:33
一分钟了解软件开发工具包sdk ▶0:25
杰理开发平台介绍SDK程序讲解CodeBlocks使用快速开发 ▶24:03
【索尼通讯社】索尼正式发布Camera Remote SDK(软件开发包)1.08版本 ▶1:13:33
Find in video from 03:04 Installing the Required SDK Platforms and Tools ▶15:46
[Latest] How to Install SDK Platforms & SDK Tools in Android Studio | Android Studio tuto| ▶12:12
[Latest] How to Install SDK Platforms & SDK Tools in Android Studio | Android Studio tuto| ▶2:44
一个视频让你认识什么是SDK ▶3:17
Find in video from 00:45 Need of SDKs or Tools for Azure Resources ▶9:21
5. SDKs or Tools for Azure Resources ▶7:41
Find in video from 00:24 Descargar el SDK de Windows 10 ▶4:45
Programando en Windows 10 *1 Instalar SDK ▶11:57
五分钟了解力软敏捷开发框架 ▶27:44
Python SDK Overview ▶3:02
「仙启」REVIVE SDK下载与安装(基于Docker),数据驱动强化学习(离线强化学习)开发工具包 ▶1:49
「仙启」REVIVE SDK下载与安装(基于Docker),数据驱动强化学习(离线强化学习)开发工具包 ▶8:32
Find in video from 01:09 Downloading SDK Tools ▶15:23
How to Install Android SDK Tools in Windows 10 adb, fastboot ▶22:05
Find in video from 00:42 Downloading Android SDK Tools ▶35:32
How To Install Android SDK Platform Tools Only (For Fastboot Commands) ▶1:55:59
How To Install Android SDK Platform Tools Only (For Fastboot Commands) ▶9:30
Find in video from 00:01 Introduction to SDK Development ▶19:18
Create a Typescript Library | SDK | Node JS ▶
鸿蒙OS 2.0 开发者套件开箱初体验 ▶
中颖BLE_SDK SOC开发介绍 ▶
Find in video from 01:08 Overview of Net Core SDK ▶
02. Installing Asp.Net Core SDK and Runtime ▶
安卓SDK丨 android SDK详细安装与设置 ▶
Eclipse Android SDK and ADT download and install ▶
RK3588 Linux SDK 开发及产品应用介绍 ▶
[nRF] nRF connect SDK 开发环境介绍 ▶
Flutter : Setup Flutter SDK on Windows ▶
How to set sdk , ndk , jdk in unity ▶
Find in video from 0:00 Introduction to API and SDK ▶
API vs SDK - What's the Difference? ▶
【技术公开课】揭秘 GeoScene Enterprise SDK 服务扩展技术 ▶
Find in video from 0:00 Introduction of What is an SDK in Hindi | Software Development Kit | Amit Mahato | Coding Chat | ▶
SDK: Programmer Secret Weapon [Make Apps 10x Faster] ▶
SDK开发工具的特点与应用场景 ▶
Building Windows Apps with the Windows App SDK ▶
IoT App SDK 开发方案介绍(开发者云课堂第二十一期) ▶
SDK是什么,SDK的介绍 ▶
Creating Your Own Application Using the Java ME SDK ▶
Find in video from 00:03 Introduction to Facebook SDK ▶
Set App Installs sdk for IOS facebook Campaigns ▶
聆思科技CSK6视觉AI开发套件分享 ▶
【RK3568】第二章 SDK及系统介绍 1: SDK目录介绍 ▶
sdkman使用简介 ▶
Find in video from 01:03 Including External SDK into Android Project ▶
How to import external SDK in Android Studio project ▶
从自学软件开发到开互联网公司?分享我的编程自学方法 ▶
开源鸿蒙OpenHarmony产品开发套件 ▶
06 基于SDK固件制作 ▶
ORIN SDK软件开发介绍。 ▶
Android组件化开发——路由SDK项目实战从0到1手把手实现 ▶
SDK对接概览 ▶
Android开发:从SDK开发的架构迭代开发,掌握10K到40K 工程师的技术区别 ▶
Android开发:从SDK开发的架构迭代开发,掌握10K到40K 工程师的技术区别 ▶
【开箱解密】一款新AI开发利器--昇腾AI开发者套件Atlas 200I DK A2面世! ▶
Find in video from 0:00 Introduction to the New Azure SDKs ▶
Introducing the new Azure SDKs ▶
Find in video from 0:00 Introduction to APIs and SDKs ▶
API vs. SDK: What's the difference? ▶
Vercel AI SDK - 支持多模型多框架的AI应用开发包 ▶
浮云绘图2.0 开源绘图工具二次开发SDK ▶
Find in video from 0:00 Introduction to API and SDK ▶
SDK vs API in Python Example ▶
2021年最新_Electron超详细实战开发教程【Electron+Vue桌面软件开发教程】JavaScript的广泛运用,大前端时代在不远的将来 ▶
2021年最新_Electron超详细实战开发教程【Electron+Vue桌面软件开发教程】JavaScript的广泛运用,大前端时代在不远的将来 ▶
环信Web SDK集成教程——用户在线状态详解 ▶
What is a software development kit (SDK)? – Definition from TechTarget ▶
Find in video from 00:20 SDKとは何か? ▶
SDKって何? 特定のプラットフォーム向けのアプリを開発するためのツールキット [IT用語かんたん解説] ▶
SDKって何? 特定のプラットフォーム向けのアプリを開発するためのツールキット [IT用語かんたん解説] ▶
ITM わくわくIT教室 (今さら聞けないIT基礎わくわく教室) ▶
开源一套用pyside6写的基于天勤sdk的精美的程序化交易框架, ▶
全网【DPDK/SPDK】技术视频教程:SPDK 存储性能开发套件 ▶
【Android开发教程】从SDK开发的架构迭代,掌握10K到40K工程师的区别 ▶
【Android开发教程】从SDK开发的架构迭代,掌握10K到40K工程师的区别 ▶
[OIVA]应用开发教程第一期,使用SDK编译一个简单的应用 ▶
软件开发及测试过程之详细V模型描述? ▶


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